1 2 3 4 5 6 | * Tsuki W.'s Paola Wakabayashi, from the Spanish CaptainTsubasa fandom. She's also a RelationshipSue since she mostly exists to be Ken Wakashimazu's one true love from childhood, but Paola also doubles as this because in Tsuki's own words she's "[[GirlsNeedRoleModels the strong and feminist woman that every CT girl should've been]]"... but technically she's just a petty, classist, shallow and victimised {{Libby}} from Hell who treats the people around her like shit yet is still unconditionally adored and loved by everyone around her (and those who don't are turned into pretty much Complete Monsters, like Kumi and Schneider's sister Marie). Some specially bad examples of her JerkSue nature are: ** When Paola appears in the Junior High arc, Kumi immediately starts speaking shit about her to her face, treats her like absolute crap without reason, gets slapped by Paola (who is temporarily [[{{Chickification}} chickificated]] at first and cries so the audience can pity her) and laughs about it while insulting her for liking Ken. Keep in mind that ''in canon'', Kumi is actually a kind-hearted, kinda immature but still lovable GenkiGirl who [[spoiler: chooses to give up on Tsubasa when she learns about his love for Sanae]], and [[WriterOnBoard Tsuki freely admits that she hates Kumi to death]], which makes the RonTheDeathEater crap even stronger. ** The Nankatsu team decides out of the blue to have a stylish party to celebrate the JH championship. Paola not only throws bratty hissy fits when [[SheCleansUpnicely she has to clean up nicely]], which are supposed to follow RuleOfFunny but come off as obnoxious and bitchy -- but when she [[spoiler:gets a ForcefulKiss from an inexplicably drunk Tsubasa (ignoring [[DidnotDoTheResearch the very strict Japanese drinking laws]])]] and Sanae is upset about it, Paola plays victim to the nth degree ''and makes Sanae look like the bad guy while telling her she's a shitty friend for not "trusting" her'', when the whole drama was ''her'' and Tsubasa's fault (with more Kumi bashing sprinkled into it, as she shows up purely to whine more at poor Paola MarySue.) ** When Paola's MissingMom Sabrina tries to get the kid's custody, which was given to Genzo's parents because of TeenPregnancy reasons, the judge gives it back to the Wakabayashis solely because Paola ''seemed'' to be happier with them. [[YouFailLawForever Apparently, he can decide such things without even ordering psychological exams.]], and Paola is shown as a poor little victim from circumstances despite all the years we saw her as a SpoiledBrat. ** When Paola's rival in soccer skills appears, she turns out to be a badly derailed Maria Schneider, who despite being TheCutie and a bit of TheIngenue for being younger than the major part of the cast as well as the Schneider family's youngest child, here becomes an arrogant and unlikeable bitch without any reason at all. And Paola not only curb-stomps Marie in their "duel", but [[spoiler: causes her a serious injury]]... and everyone ''cheers'' on her. Apparently, including ''Marie's older brother'' Karl-Heinz Schneider, wo adores Marie and dotes over her in canon! To make it worse, in early versions of the fic this "Marie" was an OC relative of Schneider and then was retconned into her... meaning that when Tsuki learned about Marie's existence, she did this ''just to make Paola more "awesome"''. ** When [[spoiler: Paola [[TeenPregnancy gets pregnant]] with Ken's child ''obviously'' after TheirFirstTime]], the formerly kind and gentle uncle and aunt [[TookALevelInJerkass become controlling assholes]] and the much abused MissingMom is shown as an all-knowing and kind PuritySue who pretty much pats her daughter on the back for it. Paola also is a '''huge''' bitch to Ken, via [[spoiler: first hiding her pregnancy from him, then revealing it to him ''only'' via a passive-aggressive letter, ''and'' finally playing victim '''again''', via verbally abusing Ken and blaming him for everything when confronts her]]. But instead of calling Paola out on [[KickTheDog her brutal and repeated puppy-kicking]], Ken just takes her abuse and cowers in front of the JerkSue, [[spoiler: and they end up "HappilyMarried".]] |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/1004266