Paste #2710045, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 8:00:32 AM
Re: [問卦] 印度的軍力真的比中國弱嗎? 作者: zwx (王子麵) 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [問卦] 印度的軍力真的比中國弱嗎? 時間: Sun Mar 3 10:10:41 2019 ...
Paste #2710023, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 6:02:05 AM
**iida* 1. What's your character's love language: words of affirmation, acts of service, giving/receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch? WORDS OF AFFIRMATION and acts of service since 1. iida talks forever and 2. he's a hero in training, so of course it's service... like i said with riku he would do all of the rest of these in time too probably. around the person he likes, he might get pretty flustered and not be as articulate but he would end up saying very cute and genuine things, probably about how much he admires them or smth... he'd be happy with quality time or holding hands too 7. What is your character's greatest failure? Note: this should be a failing on their part, and not simply a perceived failing. ...
Paste #2710021, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 5:55:05 AM
SHIPPY SUNDAY: 1. What's your character's love language: words of affirmation, acts of service, giving/receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch? 2. Is there a secret that they'd never want their significant other to find out? Is there anything about their past that they're embarrassed about? 3. How much would your character be willing to sacrifice for a significant other? Does this extend beyond their own personal time and into their greater goals and ambitions? ...
Paste #2710020, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 5:52:31 AM
SHIPPY SUNDAY: 1. What's your character's love language: words of affirmation, acts of service, giving/receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch? 2. Is there a secret that they'd never want their significant other to find out? Is there anything about their past that they're embarrassed about? 3. How much would your character be willing to sacrifice for a significant other? Does this extend beyond their own personal time and into their greater goals and ambitions? ...
Paste #2710017, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 5:48:22 AM
**riku:** 1. What's your character's love language: words of affirmation, acts of service, giving/receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch? probably acts of service first, words of affirmation a close second, and quality time third! i think he would put doing things for the people he cares about above everything else. riku isn't stellar w/ words but he's still good at encouraging when he needs to.... and quality time w someone he loves might not happen often but it's probably super cute and meaningful when it does get to happen. he would do everything else too, but some of it takes buildup 6. Does your character behave differently around their significant other? ...
Paste #2710016, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 5:30:59 AM
【似曾相識的再見】 伊修加德的大雪總是讓她難以行走,比起來終年都是良好天氣的遠東之國還更適合自己生存,但千變萬化的天氣也是冒險的一大樂趣,她倒是樂於探索艾歐澤亞更多的可能性,並將其一一帶回自己的故鄉作為自己的事蹟講述。 與龍族有著密不可分的關係,由於戰爭而用兵器與鮮血歌頌的史詩,她總是在忘憂騎士亭聽著這些故事感到津津樂道,彷彿是好久以前曾經發生過的事情一樣。但她有所不知的是這些故事都是歷史上真實存在,她只不過是來晚了艾歐澤亞,在封閉的黃金港裡傳不進任何傳聞,只有用自己的雙腳踏出來的那一刻她才開始正式的冒險。 ...
Paste #2710015, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 5:18:36 AM
There’s something about the rain, Yasusada thinks, that makes everything so much more solemn. It’s not as if he’s never felt it on his skin before—the first time he saw rain at the Citadel, he remembers, he stood out in it for hours, fascinated by the way each drop soaked into his hair and his clothing. But it had been new and wondrous, then, a way for him to correlate the concept of “spring” with a tangible sensation. Now, it keeps him alert, a chilling contrast and a somber reminder of why they’re here, watching Kondou Isami march to his death with his hands tied behind his back and his head held high. ...
Paste #2710009, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 4:32:38 AM
「那個」出現了! 「阿浪請你等一下!聽我說啊!」聆牙慌張到說話帶敬語了。 「不等。」簡單兩個字回應已表達出浪巫謠的決心。 ...
Paste #2710008, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 4:23:43 AM
來自95年代的最後一份問卷,與現在的自己說聲珍重 1、哪個資料片來的? 我覺得應該是逐鹿中原吧 免費版上線之後就立刻玩了也不知道什麼版本 但認真玩的時候已經有蒼雲了(?) 2、95年代主玩的門派是? ...
Paste #2710006, pasted on Mar 4, 2019, 4:00:33 AM
《以你的名字呼喚我》André Aciman 因為改編電影而認識了這本小說,讀完覺得這部作品實在太美太令我喜歡了,看完總讓我有種溺在裡頭爬不出來的悵然若失感,決定收藏電影封面的版本,並在明年二刷電影之前再重讀一次。 十七歲的少年Elio,其教授父親每年都會在他們位於義大利的鄉間別墅短期接待一名學者前來作客;在這一年的夏天,Elio愛上了來自美國的Oliver,就此改變了他的一生。 全書由Elio的獨白構成,透過作者精準優雅並援引藝術性隱喻的文字,得以深刻赤裸的剖析Elio對Oliver的熾熱感情,綺麗的迷戀與慾望、曖昧的彼此試探與患得患失,喜悅與徬徨,崇拜與哀傷,而在碰觸了彼此的那一刻後,你成為了我,我成為了你。沒有驚天地泣鬼神的跌宕劇情或邪惡反派,在夏日義大利的魔幻陽光裡,詩意又不落俗套地堆疊出愛情最純粹、最難以忘懷、也是最瑰麗動人的樣貌。 ...