McBurn, I owe you perhaps the largest apology of all. With this, I must renege on the promise I made last week, along with destroying the chances of us having a proper duel with the full scope of our abilities. Should you survive this trial, I hope you find another to trust as you have me. Though it pains me to abandon you and leave you as a potential sacrifice, some things must outweigh personal loyalties. Make no mistake, you were with certainty my closest friend aboard this vessel, but my duty remains first and foremost to the loyal followers of U-TIC and Ormus. As such, this is farewell. May your soul rest in peace, should this final plan of mine succeed. At the very least, perhaps we will meet each other again in Hell.

Xander, allow me to state that you have earned much of my respect over these past three weeks. I've done my best to aid you with the lonely burden leadership often becomes, but now I have been forced to make a choice. As I have in the past, I must now prioritize the larger picture over preventing bloodshed. I have my hopes that you understand the duty I carry to the individuals who pledge their loyalty to me, and that choosing them over the people here is meant as no personal insult. If you do survive, I wish you well in your escape endeavors, and urge you to not make the mistake of attempting to carry too much on your own shoulders.

Misumaru, your determined resolve has eased my mind more than you likely realize. I spoke no lie when I said my universe needs more individuals like yourself. Your death will be a great waste, and while I don't expect your forgiveness should you survive, realize that this decision was made out of practicality. With that devil's death, I bear nobody on this ship ill will. Earlier, you wondered about my memory and hoped that future recollections would see an improvement. Now you know why I didn't believe that to be the case. As I've told you several times already, the past is immutable, and my actions are inexcusable and the weight of my sins irremovable. If I succeed now, it will be adding one more to the end of a long list, but it is my hope that your soul at least finds peace in Heaven.

<small>[This last letter is in a simpler handwriting, similar to his usual but lacking the extra flourishes that might make it difficult to read.]</small>

Thomasin, I am sorry for this betrayal. I have done my best to protect and help you, as a cleric of a faith that rose out of yours. But now, my own flock needs to be warned of the lies of one they trust, and I have committed far too many sins under his order to go back as their leader. I do not want to cast you aside, but my duty to them comes before all. I do not ask your forgiveness, but if you face punishment for my actions, I pray your soul rests peacefully in Heaven.