Paste #2709955, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 10:02:09 PM
我沉浸在自己的思緒中,聽著克洛迪娜迴盪在走廊的腳步聲逐漸遠離嘈雜的人群,而後我聽見訓練室的門被拉開的聲音,手機螢幕外的畫面天旋地轉,克洛迪娜就這麼靠著牆坐下,將「我」舉到面前,想對我的號碼再一次按下撥號鍵。那好看的品紅雙眸毫無防備正對著我,眼裡的脆弱一覽無疑。 「克洛迪娜……」我忍不住喊著。 與我的聲音幾乎是同時,克洛迪娜的眼淚溢出眼眶,沒多久淚水便花了她整張臉。 ...
Paste #2709954, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 9:58:33 PM
我想看看內容,卻發現我所看過的地方,後面標註著「已讀」的字樣。 這下糟了。 察覺到已讀標記的克洛迪娜,用非常快的速度輸入了極大量的訊息,內容無非是問我在哪裡、為什麼不連絡之類的,另外還有一些責備的話語,完整傳達她的擔心和憤怒。 現在真的只能用糟透了來形容這個狀況,如果就這樣發展下去,克洛迪娜會認為我看得到訊息卻刻意不回覆,那麼事情就會朝著複雜的方向走去,而我還不能去修補。 ...
Paste #2709952, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 9:40:18 PM
イナオリ【悠光】道歉練習 聽說那兩位學長即將在FFI的正賽開幕前歸隊,有著「炎之射手」稱號的日本代表隊最終兵器豪炎寺修也、以及「天才攻擊策動者」鬼道有人 ——這兩人的回歸不只是讓閃電日本隊在球場上如虎添翼,同時對於期待同伴歸來已久的日本隊而言,無疑是最能鼓舞士氣的消息之一吧? 除了某人以外,閃電日本隊上下都洋溢著清爽的朝氣。 ...
Paste #2709951, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 9:17:41 PM
Chemical Principles: Oxybenzone outside of solution is described as a white or yellow-white powder. It absorbs high-frequency UVA and UVB light, then releases that energy at a lower wavelength, thus protecting the skin from deep penetration from high energy light. The same qualities that make it useful as a sunscreen make it a viable option for protecting plastic products from sun damage. Besides that, it’s used in products such as nail polish, hairspray, and other cosmetics, and is described as a “photostabilizer.” Photostabilizers help prevent other chemicals from reacting in the presence of high energy light, by absorbing the light of shorter wavelength and emitting it at a longer, lower-energy wavelength. Oxybenzone is not an uncontroversial substance, and since it is applied topically and could have significant health impact its use is regulated by several countries. Most studies seem to indicate that oxybenzone is excreted in the urine and does not remain in the body for a significant length of time post-application, but Sweden has banned the use of oxybenzone completely, EU regulations state that sunscreen may only contain concentrations of 10% or less oxybenzone, and the FDA permits concentrations of 6% or less oxybenzone in over the counter sunscreens. ...
Paste #2709950, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 9:07:27 PM
到現在還是很害怕你會不會突然又誤會我什麼,也很怕妳會突然對我生氣,跟你的互動變得害怕開始顧忌很多,變得只有你主動點我才敢回你。 我覺得跟妳私下這樣說說、不要再自顧自亂想可能可以改善現狀。我知道很煞風景壞你興致,我也知道你要考試。但不及時講出口,我不想未來後悔我沒說清楚我的感受😢 去年接起那通電話真的嚇到了也讓我變得不是很好......,後來沒什麼心情趕稿就先生了薄本出來,畢竟我也痛恨應作到卻作不到的自己......但那場很開心你一起出小動物來陪我玩,謝謝。 妳對朋友很好,我也很感激緣分認識了妳,妳平常是個可以帶給人快樂的人。無論往後會發展成怎樣的交誼,當天被這樣突然找上先是質疑再來預設立場的嚇阻,除了難過也覺得莫名......。我回台沒打算要做什麼也沒想過什麼,人與人之間情感的流動都是自然發生的,我向來對任何未來的事是抱持順其自然的想法......認識一陣子後妳被我當成可以互相聊私事/心事的朋友,也想過未來我們可以更好。我也不是粗神經的人,你曾說你版上那陣子PO很多想特別給我看到的文,我當然也有看到也知道你現在想專心的事情是顧好自己,但當時你給我的感覺像是阻止我繼續跟妳交心下去。 ...
Paste #2709949, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 9:05:17 PM
Oxybenzone outside of solution is described as a white or yellow-white powder. It absorbs high-frequency UVA and UVB light, then releases that energy at a lower wavelength, thus protecting the skin from deep penetration from high energy light. The same qualities that make it useful as a sunscreen make it a viable option for protecting plastic products from sun damage. Besides that, it’s used in products such as nail polish, hairspray, and other cosmetics, and is described as a “photostabilizer.” Photostabilizers help prevent other chemicals from reacting in the presence of high energy light, by absorbing the light of shorter wavelength and emitting it at a longer, lower-energy wavelength. Oxybenzone is not an uncontroversial substance, and since it is applied topically and could have significant health impact its use is regulated by several countries. Most studies seem to indicate that oxybenzone is excreted in the urine and does not remain in the body for a significant length of time post-application, but Sweden has banned the use of oxybenzone completely, EU regulations state that sunscreen may only contain concentrations of 10% or less oxybenzone, and the FDA permits concentrations of 6% or less oxybenzone in over the counter sunscreens.
Paste #2709948, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 8:56:55 PM
Do not want to be interested in the birds? I'd like the upper side of the lace to loose the shade ... I had a little of a little wood that could be...Kidnappa? Every one of them, I want to be a Co-op! ...
Paste #2709947, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 8:56:22 PM
Do not want to be interested in the birds? I'd like the upper side of the lace to loose the shade ... I had a little of a little wood that could be...Kidnappa? Every one of them, I want to be a Co-op! --------- Do not want to be interested in the birds? I'd like the upper side of the lace to loose the shade ... ...
Paste #2709946, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 8:55:58 PM
Wouldn't it be fun to flies? I wish I gots wings that'd lemme flies in the skies... I hearded once of a turtly ...
Paste #2709945, pasted on Mar 3, 2019, 8:55:39 PM
A3! 雪白東/ 這次不再是流浪 旅人與浪人的差別,就在於浪人無家可歸無依可萍吧。 冬組公演完美落幕,滿開的慶祝活動也結束了,只一念頭閃過,雪白東隨手挑了一張機票、帶上行囊,又踏上久違的旅程。 ...