1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | We shall overcome 我們終將克服難關 I speak tonight for the dignity of qualified media and the destiny of sanity. I urge every member of the magical community, wizards and witches of every color, from every different of heritage, to join me in that cause. 今夜,我在此為所有合格的媒體的尊嚴以及世人的保持神志的權力發聲。我呼籲每個在魔法世界的公民,無論你的膚色、無論你的出身,請你加入我們,為了這樣的權力而爭戰。 At times, history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for truthfullness. So it was at the time when we were staked and burned. So it was a century ago when we fought for freedom of speach. So it was last week in the center of London. There, many men and women has found themselves in a dilemma. Many of them were wrongfully hoodwinked. There, many good men -- children of Merlin-- was led astray. 在時間這條長河的某個節點上,歷史與命運交織,成為人們搜尋真相與真理的轉捩點。中世紀的女巫屠殺是如此、一個世紀前我們為了言論自由而奮戰的時候是如此,而上週,當人們為了真相再倫敦市中央迷惘的時候亦是如此。回首當時,有許多市民,那些魔法界的孩子,被惡魔引向了歧路。 There is no cause for pride in what has happened. There is no cause for self-satisfaction in the long and equally proud history for The Prophet. But there is cause for hope and for faith in our knowledge in what is happening here tonight. For the cries of the knowlegable and the hymns and protests of educated people have summoned into convocation. Our mission is at once the oldest and the most basic of this country--to right wrong, to do justice, and speek no lies. In our time we have come to live with the moments of great crises. Our lives have been marked with debate about great issues, issues of war and peace, issues of prosperity and depression. 我們不可為一個惡質雜誌的出版沾沾自喜,我們不可以以預言家日報自創報以來的輝煌歷史而自滿。但是今日,我們站在此處,我們知道我們依舊可以保有信心、我們知道未來依舊含有希望。那些有志之士的呼喊以及受過教育的民眾的抗議聲浪與祈禱讓我們在此集結。我們的任務曾是我們這個國度最基本也最古老的教條--心不懷邪惡之念、手不行不義之事、口不吐虛假之言。此刻,我們再次遇到了一個令人恐慌的時代。各種重要的議題不停的被眾人提起並且討論。我們的心中掛念著和平與戰爭、掛念著繁榮與蕭條此類與我们生活習習相關的重大議題。 But rarely in any time does an issue lay bare the secret heart of Wizarding community itself. Rarely are we met with a challenge, not to our growth or abundance, or our welfare or our security, but rather to the values and the purposes and the meaning of a lunatic magazine editor. The issue of truthfullness in the magazine so called 'Quibbler' is such an issue. And should we defeat every enemy, and should we double our wealth and conquer the heavens, and still be blinded to this issue, then we will have failed as a people and as a proper media. For, with the whole media industry as with a person, "what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" 然則,我們鮮少提及那些被深藏在我們社會當中的秘密。我們鮮少遇到來自於內部的挑戰,那些與經濟無緣、與我們的安全無關、而是來自我們日常生活的一本雜誌。如今我們遇到了一個瘋狂的雜誌編輯,寫了一本名為謬論家的雜誌,彷彿是毒蛇一般,將這樣的問題悄悄的注入我們的血管之中。即使我們擊敗了我們身邊的每一個敵人、即使我們不再匱乏、甚至征服了一切我們所需要征服的目標,只要我們對此問題保持著無知,我們依舊是失敗的。對於廣大的民眾與媒體業而言,一個人若是喪失了自己的靈魂,那麼還有什麼好談的呢? There is no economical problem. There is no investment problem. There is no 'He who must not be named' problem. There is only a 'Quibbler' problem. And we are met here tonight as Wizards--not as Pureblood or Mixed blood; we're met here as Wizards to solve that problem. This was the first nation in the history of the world to be founded with a purpose. The great phrases of that purpose still sound in every Wizarding heart, Pure and Mixed: "A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." "The truth is rarely pure and never simple." "In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." And those are not just clever words, and those are not just empty theories. In their name human have fought and died for two centuries and tonight around the world they stand there as guardians of our liberty risking their lives. Those words are promised to every citizen that he shall read the Prophet every morning. Be wise, be knowledgable, be informed. Read the Prophet. 現在,我們當中不存在著貧富的問題、不存在著投資失利的問題、不存在「那個人」威脅的問題。我們只有遇到一個「謬論家」的問題。我們今夜在此集結。不分你我、不分出身,而是以一個希望解決問題的巫師來面對這樣的問題。同時,我們也是世界上第一批願意面對這樣一個問題的國家。古人的箴言依舊在我們的耳中迴響,無論是純血或是有著麻瓜血液的巫師們。先人曾經說過:「謊言傳遍世界,而事實依舊裹足難行」、前人曾經呼喊「真相幾乎不會單純,且永遠不會淺顯」;更曾經感嘆「在謊言遍行的世界當中,誠實反倒是一種創舉」,這些言論並不是花言巧語;這些言論不是無稽空談。這些是人類奮鬥了兩個世紀所得到的自由,是踏著先人的屍體與血跡所得到的權力。今夜,我們站在他們所奮鬥出來的成果之上,站在他們以生命所換得的自由之上,發表了這樣的宣言。我們對每個市民承諾,他們每天早上有著新鮮的預言者日報,為他們帶來最新的資訊與誠實之言。當個聰明人、當個有智慧的人、當個未卜先知的人,請讀預言家日報。 |
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