1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | PRIDE 1. Does your character think that they're more or less important, or a better or worse person, than average? 2. Is there anything your character is better at than they think they are? Anything they're worse at than they think they are? 3. How important is it to them for other people to think well of them or know about their accomplishments? GREED 4. How important is money to your character? Why? 5. What physical object does your character most wish they had? Why don't they have it? 6. How does your character respond to requests for charitable donations? Do they do any charity work? LUST 7. Does your character agree with and/or conform to the general sexual mores of their society? Are they proud of that? 8. How likely is your character to have sex that they later regret? How likely are they to do things in pursuit of romance that they later regret? 9. How open about their sex lives are they with their friends? With strangers? Is there anything they like that they would be hesitant to tell a partner about? ENVY 10. Does your character think that they deserve more than what they have, do they think they're fortunate just to have what they do, or something in between? 11. Does your character believe people generally earn what they have, or that it's down to chance? 12. How well would your character handle being obviously the least wealthy, attractive, or talented person in a room? Do they have any friendships that seem imbalanced in those ways? GLUTTONY 13. Is your character good at waiting for delayed gratification? How likely are they to indulge in something bad for them? 14. Is there anything your character has more of than they need? Anything they waste, or anything they particularly hate to see wasted? 15. Is there anything your character does without as a matter of principle or restraint? WRATH 16. Does your character say things they don't mean when they're angry, or things they do mean and have been bottling up? 17. Are they patient with their own failings or mistakes, or easily frustrated? How does that compare to how they feel about other people's failings? 18. Has your character ever been angry with someone who didn't deserve it or done something foolish out of rage? Do they recognize it now or think that they were right? SLOTH 19. Would your character want to work if they didn't have any external reason to anymore? 20. How quickly do they give up on things that are difficult or don't immediately work out? 21. Are there any tasks or responsibilities they dread? Do they avoid them, get them out of the way first, or something else? |
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