1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 1. How tall are they? 2. What's their general build/body type? 3. What's their favorite thing about their appearance? 4. What's their least favorite thing about their appearance? 5. Do they exercise often? If so, what do they do? 6. How fast or slow is their metabolism? Do they need to eat a lot to keep going, or can they just eat one meal a day and call it good? 7. How much sleep do they generally need to feel rested? How much sleep do they actually get, on average? 8. Do they tend to be more comfortable in warmer or cooler weather? 9. Do they take after either of their (biological) parents in terms of looks? How so? 10. Do they have any notable birthmarks or scars? What about freckles? 11. What's their skin like? Do they get sunburned easily? Are they sensitive to certain materials or textures? 12. What are their teeth like? Straight, crooked, yellow, white? How many cavities have they had, if any? 13. What color is their hair? Is it easy to take care of, or does it need a lot of attention? 14. Are they right- or left-handed? 15. How comfortable are they using their off-hand? 16. How flexible are they? Can they touch their toes? Put their foot behind their head? 17. How's their immune system? Do they get sick often? 18. What's their posture like? How do they carry themselves? 19. Give me a headcanon of your choice. 20. Actually, I've got a question of my own. |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/1xlcnRgykeF405i1bOru