1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 | 【Protesters against President Ma’s arbitrarily decision was putting an end to Taiwan’s democracy and sovereignty.】 [群眾抗議馬政府專斷 危害台灣的民主與主權] 31th March midnight, protesters demonstrated the Ma's government arbitrarily passing the application to apply "AIIB" by China's State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, mounts of people gathering in front of the president palace. 3月31日晚間在總統府前抗議馬政府專斷,透過國台辦遞交加入亞投行之申請書。 On 30th March, The President of Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou, gathered upon ministers from various sectors and called upon The National Security Council to discuss the nation’s application to the AIIB, appointing The Mainland Affairs Council to submit the application through China’s State Council Taiwan Affairs Office. 3月30日馬英九總統召集各行政部會首長召開國安會議研擬加入亞投行,會中指示 由陸委會委託國台辦代為轉交意向書。 Two days prior, President Ma authorized ex-premier Xiao Wang Zhang to express Taiwan’s willingness in joining AIIB at the Boao Forum For Asia in which direct contact was made between Xiao and China’s leader Xi Jing Ping. 兩天前(28日),馬總統指示前副總統蕭萬長參加博鰲會談時,當面與中共國家主席習近平表達台灣的參與意願。 To avoid scrutiny from the Legislative Yuan, President Ma acted immediately afterwards, calling The National Security Council meeting and making the decision to join The AIIB on 30th March. Legislative Chen Qi-Mai reprimanded Ma for his arbitrary behavior and criticized that it was a repetition of the “ anti- under the table operation of CSTA that happened in March 2014” If this isn’t another Cross Straight Agreement repeated then what is, He said. 馬總統在3月30日迅速召開國安會議並且做出加入亞投行之決策, 企圖逃避立法院的監督。立委陳其邁痛批這樣的行為無非是重演去年的黑箱服貿。 Last week, the premier Mao Zhi-guo declared that their ministries were still assessing the application to the AIIB. But President Ma made this decision in less than a week’s time. 上週行政院長毛治國對媒體宣稱,是否要加入亞投行,各部會正在研議當中。 但是馬總統不到一周內就做出決策。 President Ma filed the application to Taiwan’s Affair’s Office, an administrative agency run by China, instead of sending it directly to the host country and requesting to join as an independent nation. 馬總統不依照國與國之間來往的國際慣例,直接將意向書送交給亞投行主辦國 中國,而是將參與意向書委託給中國政府所屬機構代為轉交。 This action caused outrage and on 31st March, about 600 protesters gathered in front of the Presidential Palace protesting against President’s Ma’s decision and accusing him of putting an end to Taiwan’s democracy and sovereignty. 此舉激怒了輿論與在野勢力,在31日晚間大約有600名抗議人士聚集在總統府 前,抗議馬總統的專斷行為葬送了台灣的民主與獨立主權。 The protesters also pointed out that President Ma and his government have been trying to achieve the ultimate outcome of “ Nine Principles For Peaceful Reunification “ purported by Ye Jian-ying in 1981 since Ma’s presidency began. 並且指出自從馬總統上任以來,一直在實現1981年中共人大常務委員長 葉劍英所提出的「中共對台實現統一領導的九條方針(葉九條)」。 There are indications that Ma’s government own low public support is because of government’s multiple attempts to avoid the supervision of Legislative Yuan in the past years. 種種跡象顯示,由於馬政府過去一年來屢次企圖逃避立法院的監督,民意低落。 President Ma’s authoritative rule continues to grow even after the KMT’s epic failure on local election in Nov 2014, leads to a huge crisis in independence and democracy. 馬總統專斷決行的狀況,甚至在2014年地方選舉國民黨大敗之後變本加厲, 已經造成了台灣主權獨立的民主危機。 2015.04.01 |
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