Kim Byeong-Guk and Min Kyu-Ho had a homosexual affair. When Kim Byeong-Guk rose to a second-rank office, Kyu-Ho congratulated him with, "Since you are now a high ranking courtier in the office of Minister, I am your equally high ranking wife."

When Kyu-Ho was young, he was very poor. He lived with his older brother; everyday the two bought bowls of bean porridge, then sat together to slurp it down. When their father died, they could not afford a coffin, so they wrapped the corpse in a straw mat. After he became Governor of Anak County, his wife had the habit of buying ramie cloth for her clothes. One day, when Kyu-Ho entered into her room and saw her attire, he scorned it saying, "This material is much too rough. It is ill fit to be the garb of a noblewoman. You should change into something finer." His wife replied, "My Lord, do you not remember that time in our hovel in Jeongdong Neighborhood, when we all slurped bean porridge together? This is enough. Why should I change into anything else?" Min Kyu-Ho was enraged and accused her of trying to shame him, then kicked her down and left. From then on, he never entered into her chambers again, and thus he had no son.

Hwang-San was the foremost among politically powerful men in recent history. Hwang-San referred to the title of Kim Yu-Geun. Chu-Sa was foremost among calligraphers in recent history. Chu-Sa referred to the title of Kim Jeong-Hui. Min Kyu-Ho greatly admired both of them and styled himself Hwang-Sa, hoping to possess "the clout of Hwan-San and the letters of Chu-Sa.

Queen Myeongseong worried that her finances would become tight, so she sought to sell magistrate positions. She ordered Kyu-Ho to set the price, but Kyu-Ho knew that official positions that served closely to the common folk should not be sold off, so he concocted a plan to make sure there would be no buyers. Considering the annual income was only about 10000 strings of money, the price was set at 20000 strings of money. However, people fought to purchase positions. Once they had received appointments, they then recouped their losses by harshly exploiting the peasants. The people were much afflicted. Kyu-Ho began to regret his decision.

When Min Tae-Ho was serving as an adjutant in Haeju, the Inspector Cho Seok-Yeo was often harsh to him. One day, after receiving a particularly harsh reprimand, Tae-Ho was indignant. Upon returning home, he locked himself away and brooded. Kyu-Ho, a royal secretary at the time, was staying at his brother's home. Seeing this scene, he exclaimed, "That cur dares extend his insolence to even you!" He then barreled toward Senhwatang (the main office of the local official), screaming, "You do not yet know that there is man called Min Kyu-Ho in this world! While we gentlemen are a poor huddling lot living off the titles inherited from our forefathers, we are not for base villains like you to humiliate!" Grabbing Seok-Yeo, Kyu-Ho smashed apart his headgear, tousled up his bun, and rained blows upon him with fists. Seok-Yeo was unable to retaliate. He felt deeply humiliated and resigned his post not long after.