Since the Crown Prince's masculine members did not function well, his condition developed into a chronic illness. Queen Myeongseong lamented that she would not have any grandchildren, but she could still rely on Prince Kang to have sons and thus succeed the line of the Crown Prince. Thus, she treated him somewhat well, unlike what she had done with Prince Wanhwa. In the winter of twenty-eighth year of Gojong, she petitioned the Emperor to create him the Prince of Uihwa. Prince Kang or Uihwa had been born to Palace Administrator Chang. When Prince Kang was born, Queen Myeongseong became greatly irate and set off toward Lady Chang's quarters with a polearm. Stabbing the weapon through a window, she screamed, "Eat blade!" Lady Chang had always possessed great strength, so now she grabbed the hilt of the blade with one hand, and opened the window with the other hand so she could jump out. She then prostrated herself before the Queen and begged for her life with hair scattered and covering her face. The Queen decide to spare her and threw down her blade, chuckling while saying "No wonder His Majesty has fallen in love with you. Today I will not kill you, yet you shall no longer dwell in the Palace." She called guards over and had the Lady bound, then had the flesh on both sides of her vagina cut away, after which she was thrown out of the Palace gates. Lady Zhang then lived with her brother for more than ten years before dying of complications from her injuries.