1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | A: Are there things about themself they're adamant will/will never change? If asked the same about another person, would their answer be the same? B: Do they have a personal idea of beauty? C: What type of clothing are they most comfortable in? D: Are they a daydreamer? If yes, what do they daydream about the most? E: Are they empathetic, sympathetic, both, or neither? F: Which is worse to them, failing, or never trying? G: Do they believe in the concept of good and evil? H: What is their happiest memory, and why is it so special? I: Is there an injustice that they will never fail to react to? J: What is their greatest source of joy? K: What situations are they most likely to respond with kindness? L: How do they feel about their life right now? M: What colour evokes strong memories for them? N: When they walk into a room, what's the first thing they take notice of? O: What do they do when they're feeling overwhelmed? P: Do they have a distinctive speech pattern? Do they phrase or formulate their sentences in a specific way? Q: If they have a serious or personal question they want to ask, how likely are they to ask it? R: Are they more worried about doing something right, or doing something for the right reason? S: What is their favourite sound? T: What's something that really moves them, or touches them to their soul? U: Do they find life to be unfair, or are they content? V: What would they consider to be the most overrated virtue? W: What word do they overuse the most? X: If someone were to seriously examine your character, what are the little things they might pick up? Y: Where do they expect to be, five years from now? Z: Wildcard! Ask your own question! |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/2513125