1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 【NPY STUDIO - (北少流映畫) 簡介】 NPY STUDIO(北少流映畫)的成員來自於十幾年前的學校布袋戲社團,創辦人林子揚曾在2015年以該社團名義發表自製布袋戲電影【逆天】獲得關注。而正式成立工作室之後的首支作品【江湖救援團-哥安寺聲】,則是結合武俠及網路趣味元素,並以布袋戲為呈現媒介的單元劇集。首波製作採用日劇動漫SP形式,分為上下兩集。幽默的題材及專業的配音陣容,使首集於網路平台推出後即獲得關注及討論。 【NPY STUDIO - 江湖救援團 故事簡介】 有紛爭的地方,叫做江湖 久遠以前一個宦官亂政的混沌年代,百姓各種怨聲載道、生活苦不堪言。在這亂世之中,有著一座名不見經傳、甚至連個剃度僧侶也沒有的小廟,名喚-哥安寺。傳聞,只要向寺中供奉的大聖像許下心願、並擲得聖筊,就能獲得義士襄助,替許願者解決心中難事。而本次事件主角-方錦山,又將為哥安寺眾人帶來什麼樣的艱困任務呢?當哥安寺鐘聲敲響,江湖救援團正-式-出-動! In many old Chinese stories, the place with disputes can be called Underworld (Jianghu). In a faraway and chaotic era, people keep complain and suffer the miserable life. At that time, there is a temple without any real monk, called “Ge-An Temple”. Rumor has it that people can convey their wishes to the statue of Monkey King in this temple. If the askers get the divine answer, their difficulties will be solved by the mysterious volunteers. This time, from the unknown asker "Fang Jin-Shan", what kind of difficult task will be delivered to those volunteers? When the temple's bell is sounded, it’s the show time for Underworld Rangers! █影音提供:【江湖救援團】Underworld Rangers █FB:https://www.facebook.com/UnderworldRangers |
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