As a general rule I don't comment on issues involving other creators, but unfortunately given a conversation I've just had inworld I would like to address an extremely narrow aspect of a recent situation, and only in how it overlaps with Trompe Loeil.

Our product, the Alyce Bench, was released in 2014. This is an original mesh creation and we have the working files. About a year or so later Cheeky Pea released a similar product. This product was specifically mentioned as one that was purchased from a third party model site.

When I saw that specific product and comparison, I felt to mention at the time that Cheeky Pea's model and the third party site model are substantially different - the seat cushion and legs are different between the models. This was the screenshot provided: https://i.gyazo.com/2b1a2126c205a78831af9778bc6ce826.jpg

These two models are also different from our model, again visible in the seat cushion and legs. http://trompeloeil.biz/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/alyce-bench-velvet-seafoam-Adult-L525.png Additionally, our version has extra beveling in the arch mesh.

When Cheeky Pea originally released their version, several customers approached me concerned that Cheeky Pea had taken our model. I assured them that the models were substantially different enough that I was confident that Cheeky Pea's version was her own work, and that we had simply used the same visual resource separately and independently. I still believe that to be the case.

My policy as a creator has always been that as long as another creator does their own mesh work - no copybotting or actual file reuse or theft - then I have absolutely no problem or issue with that creator releasing their own take on a design. I have seen several instances of this over the years and have been very stringent on providing the benefit of the doubt whenever possible, and checking as closely as I can to verify if a design is an original work, albeit similar, or if it is an exact duplicate.

Tonight, I was approached again about this specific model, and was asked for a refund on several gift cards recently purchased because the customer did not feel it was ethically appropriate to be purchasing from our store. I provided the refund, and respect the former customer's decision; however, it does sting to feel as if our work is under question, and I wanted to take the opportunity to clarify the situation from our end, as the design is a memorable one and I'm sure that this customer may not be the only person to question its origin.

If I can be of further assistance please feel free to contact me inworld, and as always thank you to our wonderful customers - we love creating for SL and appreciate the support that allows us to continue doing what we love.