1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | I really had enough for today. Especially when I just recovered from a hard week of work and I'm not even done. Since people want to jump to fucking conclusions and when confronted about it choose to call it harassment instead of facing the person and clarifying what exactly went on I shall post my side of the story for those who care to see both sides of the coin before passing judgement. Not too long ago I took on a CSR case, she was pointing out to me that the rig of my coat was problematic with her shape and she asked me if this will be fixed. As honest as I always am, if I know my limitations I am honest about it and tell the person No it will not be fixed because I know that I won't be able to fix the issue especially with rigging it is not somethat that will be entirely perfect. I told her No and I took my time trying to explain to her also why it would not be fixed and I suggested to her that she can try adjusting her shape because I personally did not have this problem when I was testing the rig. She was nice to me and said she will try this and I thought things were fine only for me to discover whilst she was talking to me she was also complaining about it on plurk. I don't care about disappointments and voicing your concerns on plurk but this https://i.gyazo.com/dc72475f662973d18ed18577d12158a5.png is far from quiet critique and as soon as I came in and gave my own thoughts on the matter on how I felt backstabbed by her actions the plurk soon was deleted. Then I got another IM again someone did not demo my product and I did the exact same thing, I told them to always utilize the demos that is what they are for and again out of kindness and hope for some understanding I explained why the rig is the way it is citing why it may not fit well and why this is not something I can just take and fix and soon after that I have her bf trash talking me on how I don't know how to rig and I better rig it right and not tell his woman to demo. And that point I had enough. I was hurt. I'm just human and not because I'm trying to fucking make fun of anyone. Not because I'm fucking trying to rally up my customers. I send out a notice encouraging people to demo and again I explained why. Why did I do it? For a simple obvious reason, to avoid any further disappointments such as this because clearly this was not enough: https://i.gyazo.com/28f5ec5c33addea248797c6b968da728.jpg If that makes me a horrible person. I will live with it. I'm sorry for being such a trashy creator then. If I could then I would quit. I wish I had that luxury but I don't. |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/3UM7uuMMx6BVBg8fCi8o