1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Dave Calabrese Gaslight Studios, Inc. Phone: 720-381-4183 Fax: 303-648-5168 [email protected] http://www.GaslightStudios.com/ Gaslight Studios, Inc. to Develop Collection Driven iPhone Title using GarageGames' iTGB Engine Gaslight Studios, Inc. Has Announced the Development of Games for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch Devices Using the iTGB Game Engine by GarageGames, Inc., the First to be a Collection Game. Denver, Colorado, 4-22-2009 - Gaslight Studios, Inc., a video game development studio, has announced the development of projects for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch platforms. Gaslight Studios will be using the iTGB Game Engine by GarageGames. "We are very excited to be working with the Torque Game Builder engine for the iPhone," says Dave Calabrese, CEO of Gaslight Studios. "Thanks to the quality tools and stable code which GarageGames provides, we are able to quickly realize our goals rather than spend weeks building a framework." Gaslight Studios' first game for the iPhone / iPod Touch platform will allow players to collect objects through a creative development system. A trophy room will be available for players to show off their collection to others. "We feel that our innovative approach in combining the casual gaming market with the collection gaming market will give players a new experience that they will want to share with their friends," says Dave Calabrese when discussing the new title. Once their initial title is released, Gaslight plans to continue to produce games for the iPhone and iPod Touch platform—a puzzle game and a strategy game are both also in early design. For additional information on Gaslight Studios, contact Dave Calabrese or visit www.GaslightStudios.com. iPhone and iPod Touch are trademarks of Apple and can be found at www.Apple.com. iTGB and Torque Game Builder are trademarks of GarageGames, Inc. and can be licensed at www.GarageGames.com. ABOUT Gaslight Studios, Inc. - Gaslight Studios, Inc. was formed for one reason—to create the video games people want. With a team of enterprise level engineers and AAA artists, Gaslight has quickly found its place within the games industry. Gaslight Studios can be found on the web at http://www.GaslightStudios.com. - END - |
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