Hello, my name is Dr. Glenn Pierce, and by now you may have realized that all of this has happened exactly the way it was supposed to. You see, everyone who comes to the institute does so because they feel they are no longer in control of something important to them. But, more often than not, the problem is not that the problems we face can't be solved, The problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective and so we do the same things again and again and again. And therein of course, we find exactly the failure we were looking for.

Your life will always be a struggle and you will always have problems. But today, you had the chance to see things differently. Even though it meant facing obstacles that seemed impossible at first, you thought outside the box - and you overcame them. Because you saw things from every angle, you understood them for what they really were. Because you kept moving forward, no matter how far off the path you were told you were headed, or how unexpected it became...you found your way.

In a few minutes, you'll be back in the real world, and some part of you will say that none of this was real: So how could it have meant anything? But - just like the power of perspective itself - it will have been as real as you believed it to be. All you've got to do is...wake...up.


你的生活永遠都是一場鬥爭,你永遠都會遇到問題。但今天,你有機會以不同的方式看待事物。儘管這意味著要面對起初看似不可能的障礙,但你跳出了框框思考 - 並且克服了它們。因為你從各個角度看待事物,所以你了解它們的本來面目。因為你一直在前進,無論你所走的路有多遠,或者事情變得多麼出人意料……你都找到了自己的路。

幾分鐘後,你就會回到現實世界,而你的某些部分會說這一切都不是真的:那它怎麼可能有任何意義呢?但是——就像透視本身的力量一樣——它會像你所相信的那樣真實。你要做的就是……醒 來。