1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | 1. Alignment :: What would be their D&D alignment? How might it come into play? 2. Beverage :: What do they most like to drink, and why? 3. Cohabitate :: Do they live with anyone? What’s “need to know” before moving in? 4. Decor :: What kind of home do they keep? Are there any defining details? 5. Escape :: What do they do to destress? How successful is it? 6. Fluff :: What hits their soft spot? Does anything them into emotional goo? 7. Grudge :: How bad does an insult go over? Do they hold a grudge long? 8. Hobby :: What’s something they do for fun that might be surprising? 9. Insomnia :: What’s their sleeping schedule like? Snorer? Sound sleeper? 10. Jaded :: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal? What’s their standard? 11. Kin :: What’s their role among their relations? Do they consider others family? 12. Law :: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it? 13. Magic :: In a magic series or not, are they accepting, or is each instance a shock? 14. Network :: Are they connected to the people? How much do they reach out to others? 15. Offspring :: What kind of parent would they be? Would they prefer one, or multiple? 16. Pistol :: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence? 17. Question :: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about? 18. Reminder :: How are they at remembering daily needs? What falls through the cracks? 19. Sing :: Do they like music? Do they listen often/sing/hum/play songs in their head? 20. Touch :: How do they handle contact? Is their personal bubble big? 21. Upcoming :: How much do they think of the future? Do they make long-term plans? 22. Vice :: What bad habits do they have? Is there something they would be ashamed of? 23. Wardrobe :: What’s their fashion style? Do they have any staple pieces? 24. X-Ray :: How’s their health? Any problem areas? Do they take care of themselves? 25. Yack :: What’s their favorite thing to talk about? What do they go on about? 26. Zodiac :: What’s their astro sign? Does it fit? What would you pick, if it’s unknown? |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/5pQQshgl94ISVrcwIjgg