1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | 1. I'm so full that I can't eat another bite. 我飽到無法再吃一口啦! 2. I'm so full that I can barely move. 我飽到我幾乎無法動。 3. My fat belly is so stuffed it's hard to get up! 我的胖度度撐到我無法起身。 4. food coma = 形容吃得飽到昏昏沉沉想睡覺的狀態 (coma = 昏迷狀態) 例:If I eat anymore, I'd be in a food coma. 另外,吃烤肉超油膩der,常常會讓我們感到飽到想吐... 5. The meat is too greasy! I'm so full that I feel sick!! 這個肉好油膩,我飽到想吐! 6. I need some lemonade to wash down the grease. 我需要一些檸檬汁來解膩~ (wash down = 用水或飲料沖掉...) 其實中秋節就是要大吃大喝啦~~ 7. I'm gonna pig out on BBQ until my stomach explodes! 我不管,我就是要大吃特吃烤肉直到我的肚子吃到脹! (pig out = 大吃特吃,這是一種誇張的用法,不是真的說你像豬啦 explode 字面上 = 爆炸,口語可用來表示很撐 很脹) |
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