Hello there guys,
I wanted to make this post only as a last resort, but as of now I see I really have no control over the current situation for a few more days if not weeks depending.

The last month or so my internet connection has been lack luster to say the least. It wasn't until about last week did I realize how bad. I've been unable to log in regularly and upload textures or mesh at a rate fast enough or smooth enough for me to work. Example? This whole weekend I tried uploading new hair textures and hair models and SL timed out, refused to upload, and refused to also load my invi. Sunday I was able to work, and Monday I also was able to log on and work on a new hud - however. Now I am once again having problems logging on, to the point where SL refuses to log me on saying I'm having connection issues.

The reason I'm bringing this all to flickr is because I lack the ability at the time to contact all the event owners of the events I'm in and the contact anyone else (whom don't have me on plurk or skype) and let them know I more than likely will not be able to log in for the rest of the week if this problem keeps cropping up.

I want to take the time to also apologize to the other events I'm in for this month that I am late for and will more than likely be late to if this problem keeps happening through the end of the week.

Plans are that sometime this week, if not next, we will be getting NEW internet installed at our home, and then these problems will hopefully all vanish - but as of this very moment I'm not 100% sure when this will be. It could be tomorrow, it would be next friday. Either way, as of now I'm not sure of how much I will be capable to do when it comes to SL.

My net can handle light browsing, but still cuts out from time to time. but the second I open SL it refuses to work.

To all my customers (some of you who have been trying to get into contact with me for a few weeks now) I'm again, sorry for the delay and lack of responses I've been able to give. SL is also not letting my invi load, and when it does, the nc's I've been told have been sent to me, have not in fact made it into my invi. I please ask you be patient for the time being, and I promise to help all of you when I am able to again.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope soon I can get back online and work like normal, answer all im's and question/problems that come up and be done for my events on time.

- Rose <3