1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | As the final vote goes in, Jade takes one last look around her as shackles fly out and drag her into the darkness. Curtains rise on Jade standing in the middle of what looks like a junkyard. Familiarity dawns on her and she turns around, as if expecting something, but the sound of hissing still surprises her. A colorful snake has slithered out of one of the junk piles and approached her bare feet. She backs away from it slowly and meets its eyes, somehow seeming to charm it. When a second snake appears, she shifts her attention to keep it calm, but as more and more appear her expression grows panicked. Now all but surrounded by snakes, Jade turns to the pile of junk behind her and starts climbing desperately, wincing as sharp edges cut her toes. But even Jade Chan can't climb faster than a snake. A flash of brilliant green darts out of the wrecked metal and a pit viper sinks its fangs into her arm. She falls from the stack of cars as the snakes flee, interest apparently lost now that she's been bit. As she stands up, she lifts one hand to her head, and it's immediately apparent that the limb has turned to stone, and that the stone is spreading up her arm. She jumps back with a shout of surprised distress and drops back to the ground as the petrifying venom spreads further and further across her body. Before long, the once brave girl is nothing but a terrified looking statue, a work of twisted art. Just when it seems Jade's fate is to stay a petrified monument to herself, Monobear steps into view wearing a <a href=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/jackiechanadventures/images/6/69/Drago.png/revision/latest?cb=20150408204900>scaled costume.</a> A ball of fire ignites in one ball, and he lobs it at the prone statue as if throwing a baseball. The result is a disproportionately large explosion that scatters bits of stone across the ground. The statue's head lands at Monobear's feet and he picks it up like some sort of trophy. “Upupupu, toasty!” |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/90UfRsVavWRBR4QpEuBr