Two people that were never meant to be in love, never meet. The crow isn't a healthy person. They feel dirty and filthy, they push people away and snap in anger, they push to their limits to see how long it takes for the person to snap and hurt them. They trap themself in a constant repeat of these actions, saying they'll get better, but thry never do. They hurt others, albeit unintentually, so they dont feel their hurt. They're over-emotional and hyper-dependent. They can't hide it. The snake is too, an unhealthy and morally complex person. They see themself as bad and as a horrible person. They shut down their emotions, and dont contribute to emotional labor. They're extremely hyper-independent and emotionally unavaible. They pity those who feel emotion and see them as some sort of study, something to pick at and examine, something you cant understand but find it interesting to try to, that is. Together they swing and crash. They're the villain in eachothers story. They're the hero in eachothers story