1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | The Musician A ship sits in the dock, ready and waiting to sail on the next tide. But while the sea demands patience, music drifts from the deck, and with it, a voice--one that sings in celebration of the bounty that has brought them to the Citadel and the promise of the next adventure ahead of them. Whatever the Musician has, they have worked hard for it, and their gratitude and appreciation of their fortune spurs them on to an even greater future. The Musician is the dawn that follows the night, the hopeful optimism after a period of struggle. After facing your problems, you're now in alignment with your true self--or will be soon--and it's time to appreciate yourself for the struggles that you've come through. Given your achievements, you're also in a unique position to provide inspiration to others who are still facing their own personal darkness. [ Reversed ] Reversed, the Musician indicates a difficulty finding the positive side of a situation. Setbacks may have chipped away at your optimism, or perhaps you have been too idealistic about something, and the reality of the situation has left you feeling listless and despondent. Take this into account when getting back on track. |
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