1 2 3 4 | 2022-04-09 IKE推特語音 you know it gets crazier and crazier with every Milestone that we can't because the first time that we hit one of the biggest like triple-digit Milestones 100K that Felts how do you top this going from here just seems like you're shooting too high like you're aiming too high and anyting beyond that point is unrealistic but here we are at 400k and I am not quite sure what to say other than thank you all so so much I wish I could do so many things to express my gratitude but limited by my ability Hope just being one person with the one set of hands I hope to continue to do what I've been doing and hopefully you'll stick around to see what I have planned there's a lot to look forward to and I'm looking forward to sharing all those experiences with you all thank you all so much once again here's to even more fun times in the future *電腦語音辨識錄的,不保證正確,僅供參考 |
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