1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | 07/30 What will it take to end this insanity? A female boxer left with life-altering injuries? A female boxer killed? (引用衛報文章,圖片出現林郁婷為分享連結後的自動跑圖,非羅琳自己補圖) 08/01 A young female boxer has just had everything she’s worked and trained for snatched away because you allowed a male to get in the ring with her. You’re a disgrace, your ‘safeguarding’ is a joke and #Paris24 will be forever tarnished by the brutal injustice done to Carini. (回應奧運的聲明,對卡里尼的不公__卡里尼是對上哈利夫落敗的義大利女拳手Angela Carini) 08/01 Could any picture sum up our new men’s rights movement better? The smirk of a male who’s knows he’s protected by a misogynist sporting establishment enjoying the distress of a woman he’s just punched in the head, and whose life’s ambition he’s just shattered. #Paris2024 (圖是羅琳自己放的,哈里夫拍卡里尼的肩膀) 08/02 The idea that those objecting to a male punching a female in the name of sport are objecting because they believe Khelif to be ‘trans’ is a joke. We object because we saw a male punching a female. (引用他人講述哈里夫,羅琳發表的推文,看到有台灣網友在下方幫林澄清,但這篇根本不是講林而是在講哈里夫) 08/02 Someone with a DSD cannot help the way they were born but they can choose not to cheat; they can choose not to take medals from women; they can choose not to cause injury.’ (分享新聞連結,這次跑出來的圖片是哈里夫跟卡里尼,但還是有台灣人撞上去說羅琳這篇推文是在罵林郁婷) 08/02三則跟拳擊或奧運有關的轉推,一則抗議奧運,另外兩則是關於哈里夫(再次,跟林郁婷無關) 08/03 [The IOC] discriminates against female athletes... it abolished a simple test that would have stopped Paris being remembered for televising male violence. Bring back the cheek swab: for female boxers the bad old days are now.' (羅琳分享文章_標題 A simple cheek swab can protect female boxers) 08/03的兩則純轉推,一個是sex matter的文章,另一個是關於哈里夫 08/04 ‘Media outlets might relish the surge of clicks they gain by distorting biological realities…However, these lies have serious consequences. It is not an exaggeration to fear that such distortions may soon get someone killed.’ (引用文章,標題:Fact vs Fiction: Olympic Boxer Imane Khelif Is Male and Should Not Be Allowed To Fight Women--哈里夫是男的並且不該被允許打女人) 08/07 Commentators pretending critics of the IOC’s reliance on documents rather than sex testing think Khelif is trans are straw-manning. I don’t claim Khelif is trans. My objection, and that of many others, is to male violence against women becoming an Olympic sport. (引用並回應他人評論自己和奧運的推文,那個人分享的文章是哈里夫不是男人) 08/07 For the record, bombarding me with pictures of athletic women to ‘teach’ me that women don’t all look like Barbie is like spamming me with pics of differently-shaped potatoes to prove rocks are edible. I can still see the difference and you look frankly bonkers. 08/07 With an XY karyotype and high testosterone (from which the presence of testes can be strongly - and I mean strongly - inferred), these athletes have, so far, the male-typical biology that is relevant in sport.” ✍️ @FondOfBeetles (這推是引用(複製)他人的言論,該名被他轉推的人,引用IBA的聲明,或是英翻了IBA的聲明(我不清楚),當中提到兩位選手未通過檢測--這可以算提到林郁婷) 08/07 But not to women”, they meant. (回應推文Be kind” they said. #paris2024,附圖兩位選手我不知道身份,但看國旗不是台灣人) 08/07 八則跟奧運有關純轉推,以下簡略註記 1.Swallowed the lie that Caster was female. 2.他人對於FairPlayForWomen文章的評語 3.哈里夫的身份爭議 4.質疑奧運檢測方式 5.別人的評語,配圖是新聞標題_Boxing officials roll into Paris and boldly declare two fighters ‘are male’(官方組織大膽宣稱兩位選手是男性) 6.奧運讓一名43歲的男性參加女子舉重比賽 7.Sharron針對奧運田徑項目有選手睪固酮水平過高所發表的評論 8.Sharron對奧運的質疑 |
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