1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | So it's been a really long from my last plurk, but i really have to post something new. I receive every day tons of notecard and imS (also if we hired a manager ONLY for customer service), most of them with STUPID question like *where i can find the maitreya applier for LARA body* (yes, you read right) and tons with problems with my gacha machine deliveries with people asking for refounds. Everyday i had to say the same identical things 100 times, so i decided to made a pick. Guess what? People NEVER read picks. Today happened the most disgusting thing, one customer again asked me for a refound and i gave him, also if he didnt put the complete transaction ID in the notecard and the local chat screenshot as i always ask. As i said, i refounded him, and i wrote in IM : refounded but next time add local chat screenshot or no refound. He replied to me: next time i will not play the machine cause of your tone. So, what i have to say is that i am really glad you decided to buy my creations, and i am really happy with my work also if i spend something like 1 hour everyday replying to every notice saying the same things ALSO if there is a paid manager that is supposed to do that. I know that the CUSTOMER POWER is it's thanks to me if you eat, if you don't listen to me i will destroy you (i heard this thing like everyday) BUT please, understand that also the designers are humans, and if there is any kind of issue noone is trying to steal your money. Take a minute to read the picks so maybe you can find the solutions to your problems or the right way to ask for a solution. And no, i'm a really friendly person but i solve problems effectively, so since i reply to you in the direct way i don't see any kind of offence. Being a full time creator in Second Life is hard work, also if i have my fat ass whole day on the chair. I respect every customer, and every customer should do the same to every creator. Wishing you all the best. *End of the Wall Text* |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/GEgEYJTT3GCfQPGoeUAb