The Brawler

Night falls thick and dark across the streets, but not all are sleeping. The doors of the music hall pour light and warmth into the courtyard, and revelers tumble, drunk and rowdy, after them. A spilled drink, a sharp word, and a fight breaks out--and the Brawler is once again standing with fists raised, ready to fight their corner. Set on showing the whole world that they don't care what people think of them, the Brawler invites confrontations wherever they go. Quick with a brash retort and ready fists, their bull-headed manner makes only enemies, never friends.

You won't be able to move forward until a current conflict is resolved. Whether you're in the right or not, take a moment to step back and consider things from an alternate point of view. Entering a situation with your fists raised won't resolve things; exercise a little empathy and plan out a way to address the matter on neutral ground. Accept this chance to improve yourself without carrying forward any malice towards others.

[ Reversed ]

A conflict is causing tension in your life, but rather than letting it run its course, you've been bottling it up to try and avoid a confrontation. This will only lead to a breakdown in trust--find the healthy balance between expressing your needs clearly and keeping the peace. What seems like an incoming argument may turn out to be nothing once you've cleared the air.