Set in a vast underground city, cast to ruins by a catastrophic earthquake. The D'ni once lived here, the center of a vast network of worlds Written and called into being by the D'ni Guilds.

Why are you here? Well, because you found a linking book and touched it, causing you to be immediately dragged into the ruins of this city. Even though the D'ni are gone, their craft lives on. And a handful of them live on, eking out a living between cracked stones and old, splendorous buildings.

Anyone could go home -- but only if they could find the original Book that created their own universe. And, unfortunately, most of the city is made up of libraries, and Books could be found in private residences, or businesses, or collections, or anywhere. It could take decades to search them all, and then a linking book to your world would have to be written. And god forbid you'd find the Book and realize that it has been altered from what you knew it to be.

Characters would live in the ancient city of D'ni, and travel back and forth between all discovered universes in the library. They would even be able to learn how to write worlds themselves. Beyond the quest for getting home, they would have to solve the puzzle of why the D'ni fell in the first place and what's wrong with all the worlds out there.

Basically I'm thinking panfandom, accepts all kinds of characters, OCs and AUs, because the premise really allows for it. Probably very unrestrictive gameplay, a lot of freedom for characters to travel to other worlds and play with things.