1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | The VUCA worldolatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity…The real environment in organizations has all these elements. All the decisions are to be made in light of these elements. #VUCA demands braver men and women. Changing times IT will witness huge changes over next 2-3years. AI and Machine Learning will immensely impact the way we work. In this environment the top talent needs to be trained to learn rapidly in unfamiliar environment. Quick Learners will have an edge over the rest but at the same time almost everyone is facing and will face challenges in keeping themselves calm and stress free. As we upgrade the software of our gadgets frequently, we need to upgrade the most sophisticated gadget we have- “our mind”. If you face some problem and different thoughts start flying here and there and you start travelling away from the solution then it is evident that your mind is the most disorganized place in your life. It is similar to a file rack where you try to take out one but multiple files drop down as they are poorly stacked. How to take care of your gadget? Upgrade Flight or fight is a thing of past, due to the presence of more complex situations the responses need to be thoughtful and quick too. Most importantly, stop reacting and start responding. Taking a pause is a good thing to do. Buy time when stakes are high and take time to respond. Assumptions Do away with assumptions and generalizations. Challenge them. In a nutshell do not assume things and ask questions to yourself to check any generalizations you create in your mind. For instance, if your friend did not pick your phone twice, do not assume that he or she is upset with you. The other person must be genuinely busy. If you find your child glued to his or her mobile phone do not assume that they have a new crush, lovingly probe them and you will definitely get a clue. Me Time for well-being Take out some quiet time for yourself. Start you day by creatively visualizing your life, the way you want it to be. End your day by winding up the to do list and plan for the next day. Journaling is also a good way of manifesting your wants and desires, so, pen down your thought to reap the benefit. In addition to this, grab some time out of your day to exercise as well. Physical fitness must be at priority list always. No doubt VUCA demands a lot from us. One has to be wiser and calmer too, so that a viable cushioning system is created which can bounce off the stress and keep you healthier and merrier. You need to work on your biggest resource- that is YOU. Invest your time and effort in developing yourself and strengthen the weaker aspects. |
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