1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | http://yhoo.it/1WeYTfp (美國驅逐艦駛進南海諸島 中國:勿惹是生非 - Yahoo奇摩新聞) 眾議員福布斯(Randy Forbes)讚揚美軍行動,認為這是對南海不穩定的情勢所採取的必要措施。 中國外交部僅表示,中國有能力也有必要繼續在南海興建設施,向國際社會和本地提供更好的航行服務,同時滿足軍軍事防衛需求。 國家主席習近平上月才剛剛對美國進行國事訪問,習近平曾表示中國沒有意圖要將這些島礁軍事化,但衛星圖片顯示,中國在渚碧礁和美濟礁都有建造跑道。美國官員對此表示,美方派出軍艦前往上述海域,是在測試習近平所說的「中國在南海不搞軍事化」。 http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/27/asia/us-china-south-china-sea/index.html On Tuesday, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned of consequences if a country caused trouble or raised tensions in the territories China claims as its own. "If any country thinks that, through some gimmicks, they will be able to interfere with or even prevent China from engaging in reasonable, legitimate and legal activities in its own territories, I want to suggest those countries give up such fantasy," ministry spokesman Lu Kang said. "In fact, if relevant parties insist on creating tensions in the region and making trouble out of nothing, it may force China to draw the conclusion that we need to strengthen and hasten the buildup of our relevant capabilities. I advise the U.S. not to create such a self-fulfilling prophecy." |
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