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So how does she get those astonishing exclusives? Join me, Jane Garvey, tomor… 在明天的”Women’s Air”節目中,我們將邀請到一位難得的來賓,Carmine “Red” Zuigiber。身為戰地記者並入圍普里茲獎的她,擁有能夠敏銳捕捉紛爭的嗅覺。她究竟是如何搶到那麼多的驚人獨家?敬請期待明天,由我Jane Garvey… Crowley: Aww, it’s no good I can’t concentrate. Get out of the road! 噢這樣不行,我沒辦法專心。閃開啦! Aziraphale: Crowley, you can’t drive at ninety miles an hour down Oxford Street! Crowley,你不能在牛津街上開到時速150公里! Crowley: Au contraire, Aziraphale, I am proving that it is perfectly possible to drive at ninety miles an hour down Oxford Street. And the bus you rode in on! 剛好相反,Aziraphale,我正在證明想在牛津街上開到150公里是完全可能的。就叫你們閃開啦! Aziraphale: Remind me again how we wasted the last eleven years mentoring the wrong child. 你要不要再說一次我們是如何浪費了11年時間去培養到別的小孩啊? Crowley: An honest mistake. I thought it was him. 真的純粹是搞錯了,我以為那孩子就是他。 Aziraphale: Something must have happened in the hospital. 當年在醫院一定發生了什麼事。 Crowley: But how? It was full of our people! 但這怎麼可能?那裡全是我們的人! Aziraphale: Well, isolated as we are from our respective head offices, we may have had to come to an Arrangement for our mutual sanity, but Satanist nuns are not my people. They’re your people. 這個嘛,雖說我們兩個都遠離總部單獨在地球,又為了彼此的精神健康著想而達成了「協議」,但那些撒旦教修女可沒有因此變成「我這邊」的人,她們是你那邊的。 Crowley: Yeah. Whatever. We are pawns in a cosmic chess game placed in a world which we rather enjoy, a world we want to continue enjoying for as long as possible. 對啦隨便啦。我們倆都只是這場宇宙棋戲上的棋子,但我們都很享受在這個世上的生活,也想要盡可能地繼續享受下去啊。 Aziraphale: Well, the coming of the Antichrist rather shortens the odds on that. 現在看來敵基督的到來大幅降低了繼續享受的可能性啦。 Crowley: I don’t see how the nuns could have messed it up. I mean, two babies! It’s not exactly taxing, is it? Although, thinking back, there was a man in reception with a pipe and cardigan looking like a refugee from the 1930’s. I thought he was a visitor, but now I realize he had expectant father written all over him. So, there was the baby I gave to the nuns— 我真的不懂那些修女怎麼會把這事搞砸,不就只有兩個嬰兒嗎!又不是什麼太困難的事。不過,現在想想,當時在醫院裡還有個男人,他在門口接待處抽菸斗,還穿了件看起來像1930年代難民的羊毛衫。我本來以為他只是訪客,但現在想起來他根本全身都寫滿了「準爸爸」這幾個字啊!總之,當時有一個是我交給修女們的嬰兒- Aziraphale: The Antichrist. 敵基督。 Crowley: The Antichrist. And the Dowlings’ baby, which we now know isn’t the Antichrist, and somehow, there was a third baby. It went wrong. 對敵基督。另一個則是Dowling家的嬰兒,也就是現在我們知道不是敵基督的那個。然後不知為何,醫院裡還有第三個嬰兒。一切都亂了。 Aziraphale: What hospital was it? 那家醫院叫什麼? Crowley: St. Beryl’s. Near Tadfield, Oxfordshire. I’m pretty sure I can get us there. St. Beryl,靠近牛津郡的Tadfield。我想我還記得怎麼去。 Aziraphale: And then what? 去了之後呢? Crowley: We get an address for the child. 我們去問出那孩子的地址。 Aziraphale: Well do we still have time to find him and persuade him not to bring about Armageddon? Must be close. 我們還來得及找到他並說服他不要引發世界末日嗎?已經沒多少時間了。 Crowley: It’s a different proposition now that he’s eleven. Especially if the head office has sent him a hellhound. 他現在已經11歲,狀況已經完全不同了。尤其是現在總部還送了一隻地獄犬給他。 Aziraphale: What kind of a dog are we talking about? 它到底是哪種狗啊? Crowley: A— (tires squeal, pedestrian screams) —terrifying one. 他-(消音)-的嚇人那種。 Aziraphale: It’s been summoned, and it’s looking for its master? 而這狗現在已經來到人間,還在尋找他的主人? Crowley: I’m afraid so. Move yourself, human! 我想是如此。給我滾開,人類! [[略]] Aziraphale: Are we there yet? It’s getting dark. 我們還沒到嗎?天色越來越黑了。 Crowley: We’re near…I think… It’s been eleven years. 應該快到了…我想。畢竟已經11年了。 Aziraphale: There’s something odd about this place. Can’t you feel it? 這地方有點怪,你感覺不到嗎? Crowley: What? 怎麼說? Aziraphale: Love. Someone really loves this place. 是愛。有人深深地愛著這個地方。 Crowley: Pardon? 你說什麼? Aziraphale: There seems to be this great sense of…love. I can’t put it any better than that. 我感覺到一股極為強烈的…愛。我找不到更好的形容方式了。 Crowley: Do you mean like— 你是說像- Aziraphale: Look out! 小心! Aziraphale: You’ve hit someone! 你撞到人了! Crowley: No I haven’t, someone hit me. 我才沒有,是有人撞到我了。 Anathema: Leg in plaster is all you needed, Anathema. 在這種非常時期還腿受傷真是太好了啊,Anathema。 Aziraphale: Ah, up you get young lady. No bones broken. 起來吧小姐。骨頭都沒斷。 Anathema: Ah, I’m not so sure why you—oh. Oooh. 啊,我不是很確定你怎麼-噢。哦? Crowley: I’ll get the bicycle. 我去牽車。 Anathema: Oh, I…ah…I think it’s all right? 噢,我…呃…我想我沒事? Crowley: Was it bad? 傷勢很重嗎? Aziraphale: Hairline fracture. Tib-fib. Healed. 脛骨腓骨骨裂。我都治好了。 Anathema: You didn’t have any lights on. 你車燈都沒開。 Crowley: Nor did you. Fair’s fair. 你也沒開啊,我們扯平了。 Anathema: Your eyes are a funny color. 你的眼睛顏色好怪。 Crowley: So’s your hair. Look, we’re not gonna hurt you. 你的頭髮顏色才怪。聽著,我們不會傷害你的。 Anathema: All evidence to the contrary. I carry a bread knife, you know. Um…somewhere. 狀況看起來可不是如此。我告訴你,我可是帶了把麵包刀,就放在…某處。 Aziraphale: Doing a spot of astronomy, were you? 去做天文觀測是嗎? Anathema: That’s a theodolite, not a telescope. 那是經緯儀,不是望遠鏡。 Crowley: Strange time of day to go surveying. 選這時間出來觀測也太奇怪了。 Anathema: Oohh, my poor bike. 噢,我可憐的腳踏車。 Aziraphale: Now, let’s see… No, nothing bent, or broken. 好啦,我來看看…沒事的,沒有彎曲或折斷的地方。 Anathema: But—you—oh. You’re right. This—this is my bike, is it? 但你-喔。真的欸。這、這是我的腳踏車沒錯吧? Aziraphale: Yes, of course. 是啊當然。 Anathema: Only, it never had a pump. 但我的車本來沒有打氣筒啊。 Aziraphale: Oh, um, but there’s a place for one, those two little hooks. 喔、呃、但車上有位子可以放打氣筒啊,就那兩個小勾。 Anathema: It’s got gears. My bike didn’t have g— 它竟然還有變速器。我的車本來沒有- Crowley: Well, now that’s all sorted out perhaps it’d be best if we just all got on—oh! You wouldn’t happen to know the way to Lower Tadfield, would you? 好啦,現在既然事情都解決了,我想我們應該就各自-喔!你不會剛好知道往Lower Tadfield的路吧? Anathema: Ah, it’s just down the hill. This bike, there’s not a scratch on it. Not even the ones that were on it when I bought it. 呃,往山坡下就是了。這台車,一點刮痕都沒有,連我買來時就已經在上面的刮痕都消失了。 Crowley: We’d offer to give you a lift, but there’s nowhere for the bike. 我們很樂意載你一程,可惜沒有地方放腳踏車。 Aziraphale: Except the luggage rack. 除了行李架。 Crowley: What lugg— 什麼行李- Crowley: Oh. 噢。 Aziraphale: Jump in the back young lady. Here’s your book, maps, thermos, torch, and bread knife. Um, I’ll pop the bike and theodolite up on the rack. 請上後座吧小姐。來這是你的書、地圖、保溫瓶、手電筒、還有麵包刀。呃,腳踏車跟經緯儀就讓我來放到行李架上吧。 Anathema: Thank you. 謝謝你。 Crowley: Oh lord, heal this bike. 喔上主,請修好這台腳踏車吧。 Aziraphale: I got carried away. 我做的有點過頭了。 Crowley: The luggage rack isn’t bad, actually. 那行李架其實挺不錯的。 Aziraphale: You’re welcome. 不客氣。 Crowley: But tartan straps? 但你竟然用格紋綁帶? Aziraphale: Whatever. The point is, one does not pass by on the other side, Crowley. 又不會怎樣。重點是,人是不會就這樣棄他人於不顧的,Crowley。 Crowley: Your one might not. This one does. 你們的人大概不會,我們可會。 Crowley: Right, let’s go. Is there a hospital around here, run by nuns? 好,出發吧。這附近有沒有一家醫院,是由修女們經營的? Anathema: Don’t think so. The only large place is Tadfield Manor. I don’t know what goes on there. 我想沒有,這附近唯一比較大的地標就是Tadfield莊園,但我不知道他們是做什麼的。 Aziraphale: Where exactly do you live, my dear? 你住在哪裡,親愛的? Anathema: Just here, actually. 其實就在這裡。 Crowley: Ah. That was handy. 啊,這倒是挺近的。 Anathema: Thank you. 謝謝。 Crowley and Aziraphale: Our pleasure. 我們的榮幸。 Anathema: I’ll help you get the bike off the—oh. It’s off. 我來幫你把腳踏車拿下-喔。它已經下來了。 Aziraphale: So glad to have been of assistance. 很高興能幫上你的忙。 Anathema: Thank you. 謝謝你。 Crowley: Goodnight, miss. Get in, angel. 晚安,小姐。上車吧,天使。 Anathema: Angel? 天使? Aziraphale: Goodbye. 拜拜。 Anathema: Bike, theodolite, thermos, torch, maps—ah, hm, breadknife—book. Book, book. Book! Ohh, I dropped my book! 腳踏車、經緯儀、保溫瓶、手電筒、地圖、啊-麵包刀在這。還有書-書、書…書!噢,我把書弄丟了! Crowley: What the hell are you on about? 你剛才到底在講什麼? Aziraphale: A feeling, like, ohhhh, like, like the opposite of the feeling you’re having when you say things like, “This feels spooky.” That’s what I mean. 就是一種感覺,像是,呃,像、就像人們說「我覺得這很詭異。」時的感覺,只是顛倒過來了。我是這個意思。 Crowley: I never say things like, “This feels spooky.” I’m all for spooky. 我才不會說什麼「我覺得這很詭異。」,我超愛詭異的。 Aziraphale: If Armageddon is only days away you’d expect a bit more tension in the air, especially near the birthplace of the Antichrist. 如果世界末日已近在眼前,照理說空氣中應該會有種緊張感才對,尤其是還這麼接近敵基督的出生地。 Crowley: It’d be useful to have a look at those prophecies you were talking about, the ones that are so nice and accurate. 要是能拿你說的那些預言書來參考看看就好了,就那個什麼又良又準的。 Aziraphale: No, Agnes Nutter’s prophecies are lost forever. Why are we stopping? 沒辦法,Agnes Nutter的預言已經永遠消失了。你怎麼停下來了? Crowley: This is the place. I remember the stone lions on the gateposts. Come on. 我們到醫院了,我還記得那門柱上的石獅子。走吧。 Aziraphale: It’s a bit early in the morning to be calling on nuns. 這時間來找修女們不會太早了嗎? Crowley: Nonsense. Nuns are up and about at all hours, especially ours. We needed a hospital close to the airbase, you see. 怎麼會,修女們從早到晚都醒著,尤其是我們的人。那個時候,我們需要一間靠近空軍基地的醫院。 Aziraphale: You’ve lost me. 我聽不懂。 Crowley: American diplomats’ wives don’t usually give birth in the middle of nowhere. It all had to seem to happen naturally. There’s a US airbase at Lower Tadfield, Mrs. Dowling went there for the opening to stand in for her husband, things started to happen, our man there said, “There’s a hospital just down the road,” and there we were. Rather good organization. …..Wow. 美國大使的夫人通常是不會在個鳥不拉屎的地方生產的,所以我們得讓一切看起來發生得很自然。Lower Tadfield那有個美國空軍基地,Dowling夫人代替她先生去參加開幕儀式,突然有了產兆,我們安插的人手就說「這前面有間醫院」,然後接下來的你都知道了。其實安排得蠻不錯的。…哇喔。 Aziraphale: Wow? All I see is cars parked on the forecourt. 哇喔?我只看見一堆車子停在前院而已。 Crowley: BMWs? A Lexus? St. Beryl’s must be doing good business. In my day it was four nuns to a Morris Traveler. Perhaps they’ve gone private. BMW?Lexus?St. Beryl這幾年生意一定很不錯。我當年來的時候還是四個修女擠一台Morris Traveler呢,他們說不定轉成私立了。 Aziraphale: Or you’ve got the wrong place. 又或者是你搞錯地方了。 Crowley: It’s the right place, I tell you. Come on. 我跟你保證就是這裡沒錯。來吧。 Aziraphale: Ahhhh!! Crowley!! 啊啊啊!Crowley! Crowley: What? 怎麼了? Aziraphale: I’ve been shot! 我被槍擊了! Crowley: Ow! So have I! Damn it! The last thing we need now is to be killed! They don’t hand out new bodies just like that down below, there’s paperwork. Hell’s teeth, Aziraphale, you’ve actually got blue blood. 噢!我也是!該死!我們現在最不需要的就是被殺掉啊!下面的人可不會那麼輕易就發新身體給你,還得跑紙本作業。搞什麼鬼啊,Aziraphale,你竟然在流藍血。 Aziraphale: Oh. 喔。 Crowley: No, wait a minute. Mine’s not yellow. Paint. This is paint. Ooh, that stung. Got me right under the ribs. 不對等一下。我的血又不是黃色的。顏料,這是顏料。喔有夠痛,竟然正中我肋骨下方。 Aziraphale: Paint? What are they playing at? 顏料?他們到底在玩什麼把戲啊? Nigel: Hi, you’ve been tagged, sorry, bit of crossfire. 嗨,你們被打中了。抱歉,交叉火力。 Crowley: And you are? 你哪位? Nigel: Nigel Tompkins, assistant head of purchasing. Who said management training was boring, eh? Nigel Tompkins,採購助理組長。誰說管理訓練課程一定很無聊啊? Crowley: Just about everybody. 差不多所有人吧。 Nigel: You can’t tell people business is a jungle and then put a gun in their hand and expect them not to shoot at anything that moves. 你總不能在把槍交給員工,告訴他們商場如叢林的同時,又期待他們不去射擊任何移動物體嘛。 Crowley: Do unto others before they do unto you. Kill or be killed. 先下手為強。不是殺人就是被殺。 Nigel: It’s all about that corporate head hanging over your fireplace. 一切都是為了把頂頭上司的腦袋裝飾在自家壁爐上啦。 Crowley: You’re a chap after my own heart. 你跟我還挺心靈相通的嘛。 Aziraphale: If you had one. 如果你真的有「心」的話啦。 Nigel: That’s it! Make my day, punk! 就是這樣!有膽就來啊,混帳! Crowley: Oh, with pleasure, go! Enjoy. 喔我很樂意,去吧!好好享受。 Nigel: Thanks! Grab a gun and join us! Cheers! 謝了!拿把槍加入我們吧!先走啦! Crowley: Give ‘em hell! 送他們下地獄! Aziraphale: Doesn’t look like it’s a hospital anymore. 看來這裡已經不是醫院了。 Crowley: Let’s find out what happened to the nuns. 我們去搞清楚修女們到底發生了什麼事。 Aziraphale: I’ll never get this stain out. 我永遠都去不掉這片汙漬了。 Crowley: Miracle it away. 行奇蹟消掉它。 Aziraphale: Yes, but I’ll always know it was there. You know, deep down. 是可以啦,但我還是會知道它曾在那裡啊。你知道的,在我內心深處。 Blekinsop: Hi, Blekinsop, project management. 嗨,Blekinsop,專案管理部。 Crowley: Excuse us, we are looking for— 不好意思,我們想找- Blekinsop: Are you with United Holdings? Oh, you’ve been shot. Evanson in forward planning caught me a right zinger on the elbow, look. Who’s winning? 你們是United Holdings的人嗎?喔,你被打中了。前瞻企劃部的Evanson沒兩下就打中我的手肘,你看。現在誰領先? Crowley: We’re all going to lose. 我們全都輸定了。 Blekinsop: Golly. That doesn’t sound like pellet guns. 老天,那聽起來不像氣槍的聲音啊。 Aziraphale: No. That sounds like aerodynamically-shaped bits of lead travelling extremely fast, Crowley. 對,那聽起來像依照空氣動力學設計的小鉛球以極高速移動的聲音Crowley。 Crowley: I don’t see why you’re so shocked. He wanted a real gun. Every desire in his head was for a real gun. 我不懂你為何要這麼震驚。他就是想要把真槍啊。他滿腦子的欲望都是想要把真槍。 Aziraphale: So there are people out there, shooting one another? 所以現在有一群人在外頭,彼此互相射擊? Crowley: Oh, no one’s actually going to get killed. They’re all going to have miraculous escapes. Wouldn’t be any fun otherwise. Are there any nuns here? 噢不會有人真的死掉啦,他們全都會奇蹟似地躲開,不然就不好玩了嘛。 這裡有修女在嗎? Blekinsop: Nuns? Good lord, no. There’s Miss Hodges, the manager. I think she’s still working. 修女?老天,當然沒有啦。是有一位Hodges女士,她是負責人,我想她應該還在上班。 Aziraphale: Where’s her office? 她的辦公室在哪? Blekinsop: Upstairs, turn left. 上樓左轉。 [[略]] Mary: Come in! 請進! Mary: Oh! Thank goodness! You are the police? I phoned as soon as I heard the shooting. 喔謝天謝地!你們是警察吧?我一聽到槍聲就報警了。 Crowley: No wimple, too much makeup, but I know you. 沒頭巾,妝太濃,但我認得妳。 Mary: Mister…Mister Crowley? 你…你是Crowley先生? Crowley: Look closely into my eyes, you’re about to sit down comfortably, you’ll answer my questions. And you’re under. 仔細看著我的眼睛,接下來你將好好坐在椅子上並回答我的問題,就從現在開始。 Crowley: Dear lady, we are a couple of supernatural entities and we are wondering if you might help us with the whereabouts of the son of Satan. 親愛的女士~我們是兩個超自然生物,想知道妳是否能幫助我們尋找撒旦之子的下落呢? Mary: Yes. 好的。 Crowley: You were a nun here eleven years ago. 11年前,妳是這裡的修女。 Mary: Yes. 是的。 Crowley: What happened to the hospital? 醫院出了什麼事? Mary: There was a fire. The manor was so damaged the nuns had to move out. But the sole purpose for our existence had been fulfilled, so when it was rebuilt I applied for a job here, running management training courses. 發生了一場大火。莊園嚴重受損所以修女們都被迫搬離。不過我們存在的唯一目的已經達成,所以莊園重建後我回來應徵工作,負責管理訓練課程。 Crowley: Your name then was Sister Talkative or something. 妳以前的名字是多嘴修女還是什麼的。 Mary: Sister Mary Loquacious. I’m just Mary Hodges now. 是Mary Loquacious (貧嘴)修女。我現在只是Mary Hodges了。 Crowley: You say your sole purpose was fulfilled. Did that involve the switching of newborn babies? 妳說妳們唯一的目的已經達成,其中是否包括了調包新生嬰兒? Mary: Yes. 是的。 Crowley: Is there any possibility that the switch could have gone wrong in some way? 調包的時候有沒有可能在哪裡出了錯? Mary: I don’t know. 我不知道。 Crowley: You must have had records, there are always records. 妳們一定有紀錄的,什麼事都會有紀錄。 Mary: Oh yes. They were lost in the fire. 喔有的,它們都在大火中被燒光了。 Crowley: Noooo. 不!!! Aziraphale: Strange coincidence. 還真是奇怪的巧合啊。 Crowley: It was probably Hastur. 大概是Hastur幹的好事。 Aziraphale: The Duke of Hell? Was he involved? 地獄公爵?他也跟這事有關? Crowley: Only as an emissary. Trust him to over-embroider a simple baby swap. Bet he thought he was being really clever. 他只是使者。不過是調包嬰兒這種簡單的事他也要插手…我敢說他一定還覺得自己很聰明咧。 Aziraphale: We’re going to be knee-deep in police at any moment, and I’ll be morally obliged to assist them in their inquiries. 我們很快就會被警察包圍,而我在道德上有義務得協助他們的調查。 Crowley: Stop them. 阻止他們。 Aziraphale: All I need now is Gabriel wondering why forty policemen have suddenly gone to sleep. 我現在只希望加百列不要懷疑為何四十位警察都突然睡著了。 Crowley: Mary, do you recall any details about the other child? Mary,妳還記得任何關於另一個孩子的細節嗎? Mary: Yes. 記得。 Crowley: Please tell me! 拜託告訴我! Mary: He had…lovely little toesy-wosies. 他有…好可愛的小腳趾頭。 Crowley: Okay, that’s it, that’s it, it was worth a try. Let’s get out of here. 好啦,就這樣啦,到此為止。這本來是值得一試的。我們快走吧。 Aziraphale: Mary. In 30 seconds you will wake up, and you will have had a lovely dream about whatever you like best. Mary,妳將在30秒內醒來,並會做一個關於妳最喜歡的事物的美夢。 Crowley: Come on! 走了啦! Aziraphale: We’ve left that poor woman in a dreadful situation. 我們竟然就這樣把那可憐的女人留在一個糟透了的狀況裡。 Crowley: Nonsense. Initiative training with real guns? Bookings will double. 才怪。搭配真槍的教育訓練課程?以後預約一定會翻倍的。 Aziraphale: You’d think we could detect the Antichrist in some way. 我還以為我們至少能感應到敵基督的。 Crowley: He won’t show up. He won’t even know it, but his powers will keep him hidden until Armageddon begins. 他不會出現的。他本人不會有自覺,但他的力量會把他隱藏著,直到世界末日開始。 Aziraphale: How do you think it’ll happen? 你覺得會如何開始? Crowley: Ahh, thermonuclear extinction has always been very popular. But any really conclusive event has to involve the Four. 啊,核武器造成的生物滅絕一直挺受歡迎的。不過真正決定性的事件還是會跟四騎士有關。 Aziraphale: The Four? Are they even here yet? 四騎士?他們已經到這裡了? Crowley: Oh, they’re always here. Especially Death. He’s on duty 24/7. 喔他們一直都在這裡。尤其是死亡,他是24小時值班。 Aziraphale: What about War, Pestilence, and Famine? 那戰爭、瘟疫、和饑荒呢? Crowley: You don’t think they’re kept busy enough? 你不覺得他們已經夠忙了嗎? [[略]] Crowley: Door-to-door service, Aziraphale. 8 AM, you can sell rare books to the rush hour commuters. 親送到府服務,Aziraphale。早上八點,你可以賣些珍本給尖峰時段通勤族啦。 Aziraphale: I don’t sell any, if I can help it. What are you going to do now? 如果可以的話我是不會賣的。你接下來打算怎麼辦? Crowley: Get some sleep. Got into the habit. Oh. Your book. 先睡個覺吧,我已經養成習慣了。喔,你忘了書。 Aziraphale: Eh? 欸? Crowley: Here. 給你。 Aziraphale: But, no, this isn’t mine. Oh, it belongs to the young lady we knocked…oh… 但、不、這不是我的。喔,這應該是我們撞到的那位年輕小姐的…噢… Crowley: You all right? 你還好嗎? Aziraphale: I’ll, um… I’ll mail it back to her. Or, ah, something. 我、呃、我再寄回去給她好了。或是、呃、其他什麼方法。 Crowley: Okay. We’ll be in touch then, shall we? 好。我們再保持聯絡,好嗎? Aziraphale: What? Oh, oh, yes. Fine. Jolly good. 什麼?噢、噢、對。好、這樣很好。 Crowley: Ciao. 掰囉。 Aziraphale: The Nice and Accurate…. 阿格妮思納特… Agnes: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch. Being a certain and precise history from the present day unto the ending of this world. “Reminiscent of Nostradamus at his best.” –Ursula Shipton <阿格妮思納特良準預言集> 從今而後直到世界末日,確切精準的歷史。 「令人想起了諾斯特拉達姆斯的最佳力作。」-娥蘇拉‧希普頓。 Aziraphale: Steady, Aziraphale. Let’s make a nice hot cup of cocoa. And keep the “Closed” sign up today. 冷靜,Aziraphale。我們先來泡杯熱呼呼的可可。然後今天整天都掛上「店休」告示牌吧。 [[略]] Ep. 2 End |
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