1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | The Pathless The street is busy, alive with the shouting of voices and the sound of boots on cobbles--but one pair of feet seems to have no destination, walking in circles, meandering and lost. This poor soul is the Pathless, who hesitated on many decisions and rushed into too many others. They are the product of indecision and misdirection, lacking confidence in themselves and trusting too much in people who would misguide them. It feels like progress on whatever you've been working towards has ground to a halt. Others might give you unsolicited advice, but you know yourself better than anyone else. Take a step back and consider a new direction, but don't keep stubbornly moving forward if it's not getting you anywhere. [ Reversed ] Reversed, the Pathless doesn't lack direction because of stubborness--rather, because of an impulsive energy that's driving them in multiple directions at once. You know what you want, but you lack the valuable experience needed to organize and plan how to actually get there. Consider that you might need a little more time before you're in a position to pursue this particular path. |
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