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It's worth £30,000. If you get it right now we have to give you £30,000. Tom Holland: For reals? Benedict Cumberbatch: Hell's bells. Right, okay. Ronan: Have a listen... * Magic's Mystery Sound plays * Benedict: It felt a little bit like twisting bubblewrap. Or typing on a keyboard. Tom: I thought a typewriter or hole punch. Like one of those old school... Benedict: Can we hear it one more time? *Magic's Mystery Sound plays* Benedict: That feels like a finger thing! That's got to be a typewriter hasn't it? Or I mean a... how old am I? Yes, a word processor! A computer keyboard or something? Tom: Wasn't a horse though, was it? Benedict: What horses have you been riding? Tom: Only the best, darling. Benedict: I know that you're a little bit shorter than me but what, like tiny little military horses with clogs on them? Let's hear the horse again, can we? * Magic's Mystery Sound plays * Benedict: Tom that's... Tom: It could be a Shetland pony, I don't know! Harriet: I could see that! Benedict: A really jazzed up Shetland pony going... Like a little tap dance routine. KOREA So welcome to korea thank you yeah how are you guys feeling how's it to be in korea it feels great i'm getting hungry hungry now yeah really now the food's all out in front of me yeah fantastic you guys have been to korea before some of you this is my third visit wow this is tom's second visit newbie first time look at me i don't remember maybe maybe not maybe one of the middle okay yeah it's a weird answer for the first time in a long time at least yes you guys are trying korean my little brother paddy still sleeps in my old spiderman duvet no are you still yeah i should buy him some new bed sheets like those are really hot you guys ready for this some korean this is it looks quite interesting isn't it and it's basically a korean banana milk so you can try if you'd like what's in the white kisses it's sort of advertised as if it's like a milk soda yeah thank you so much [Music] i approve this yeah i like that a lot can you get milkis in england if you go to a korean shop there's a cream shop actually very close to my house really yeah there is does milkis just do one flavor there's really no milk but now they do loads of different plates like strawberries try some of this tom really it's really really really good [Music] oh that's good yeah i prefer this oh really yeah okay banana endorsement just finished yeah we can cancel my lunch order guys i'm just gonna stay with this yeah you're happy what's this little yellow thing oh that's egg that yellow thing is egg yeah so much protein in here yeah there's at least three vegetables in one of them and they get your fruit from your banana for dinner this is what he would make you how many days a week do you have a kimbap well when i'm in korea i have it quite a lot because when you're out on a shoot there's a sort of thing that you can have it yeah it's a korean type of rice that they'll have specifically for kimbap korean rice is generally quite sticky it's very easy to eat and it's perfect for this yes there's something else in there there's cream cheese and yeah so that will be radish some white radish which is very common it's like sweet thinking about it very lightly thick really interesting when you hit the cream cheese okay i love it it's a combination you wouldn't expect you get the normal kimbap taste and then suddenly the cream cheese just comes in just takes the wind takes a finale yeah the cream cheese is the very last flavor you're left with yeah it's interesting what happened we're taking ourselves like pretty seriously yeah it's great we're on korean it did go a little bit this one is really huge what's happening do you guys it looks like a pumpkin it's a pear no yes it's a pink how did you know don't be really good so you know your fruit lift it that is it that's a heavy heavy fat they're really crunchy these persons very juicy i mean it's like you couldn't knock something out with that oh so that's the thing now you may have noticed this looks quite different from the pears we haven't england yes yeah completely it's an asiatic pear so the taste is quite different i much prefer bees these are great which is great for the flavor that's so true the crunchiness of that flavor of a pear this is delicious i'm gonna take [Music] a little bit of melon in it as well these are which are traditionally from an island to the south of south korea they are absolutely extraordinary do you like it yeah that is so orangey yeah it's extremely delicious it's good it's a hybrid right i think it is a hybrid yeah yeah yeah clementine mandarin and um probably yeah that was how does that happen how do you have a hybrid of how does life finds a way wrong film i think but yes tell me later do you have a favorite korean food snack drink that you've tried the pear and my delicious fantastic that's my favorite although i did i know this is not to disparage the kimber yeah because it's also excellent but if you have this at 11 o'clock every morning you know so guys you're all part of the marvel universe yes you are superheroes super villains you you know what is that like it's incredible and wonderful and unexpected and yeah just kind of crazy to look around all of us and yeah there's spiderman there as iron man there's loki yeah it's kind of mind-blowing it is a bit i mean i i don't feel like my character is a superhero she's a super weirdo i'm fun with it you know yeah it's different for you guys it's more serious and you know more responsibility in would you like to give a message to koreans watching this video come this food is delicious delicious and thank you for welcoming us and thank you for supporting the work and enjoy the movie thank you for my banana milk i will be taking some of this home with me look he's finished it i really really enjoyed it but i know this was delicious you definitely have better school lunches than we do back home come to hamnida uh thank you for welcoming us and thank you for feeding us it was incredible and uh we want to come back soon and you could watch the movie avenger hasn't been anymore all right thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much prepared a very small gift just for you guys [Music] but there you go again welcome thank you so absolutely much fun with you guys KISS Breakfast So Tom, are there new characters in this movie? Are there new characters in this movie? Ahh la la la... We heard that Captain Marvel is gonna make an appearance, is that true? Right, now, we are joined by Dr. Strange and Spider-Man themselves, the stars of the new Avengers Infinity War movie. Give it up for Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Holland! Hello, guys! Good morning! How are you? How are you doing? Good, yeah. It's the Avengers! Well, two of the thirty-odd. Yeah. We're big fans, we're big fans. And yours. So we've seen a few scenes, or a few clips, from the trailer and stuff. It looks amazing! But for anybody who isn't up to speed, what's going on in this movie? Quite, I'm gonna give this one to you, yeah yeah. Tom might tell you a bit too much abou this movie. Uh Quite a lot, quite a lot. Um, stuff happens pretty rapidly, everyone's caught unguarded, is that the right phrase? Off-guard, thank you, yeah. Almost mentioned a brand of deodorant there, for some reason. But you know how the iPhone thing does that "maybe Jeremy Renner or maybe so and so?" this is incredible. That was very cool. We had a sort of Avengers assembly um, dinner, to talk about where we were at and what we were doing and this sort of thing of legacies. Ten year journeys that these people have been on. They've had how many since then. They've created this, you know, multi-billion dollar franchise and taken huge risks along the way all of which seems to have paid off. And we were just sat around the table as newbies going, "Oh my gosh. We're actually part of this." It's incredible, you know. Downey asked me before dinner, as the newest, youngest Avenger. Would you say a few words? And I was like, no. No no no no Cause I wouldn't take mine off. No, believe me, you would. If you've lived in Georgia, Atlanta, you maybe would. You really would. It's hot. Um, unless you're on Downey's set, and then it's nice and cool. That's, that's one of the wonderful perks of working with him, there are many, but um I don't-- Do you wanna tell your story first about your suit? Well, my suit-- I just love the fact that it's kind of like we're just at a kid's birthday party It does feel like that. Like it just feels like we've all been paid to show up for some kid's birthday party and take pictures with people. It's like really high-end cosplay, isn't it? Yeah And then we have to do a bit of acting, and then it's back to cosplay. I just love, my favorite bit, is the bit between cut and action, when all of you have these actors I've looked up to for years Completely busted, yeah. Exactly, exactly. Now Tom, we've heard that uh, you know, we've heard you say you're not the best at keeping plot secrets. I'd say! So um, how've you done on this film so far, bro? I've actually done really well. Give it up for Tom Holland, everybody! Only because I don't really know anything about the film, seriously. I genuinely would show up and I would almost not even ask questions. And I guess for me too, I'm a huge fan of these movies Ever since Iron Man 1, I've been a huge fan, so the nice thing is last night when we watched the clip, I was watching it for the first time with the fans, you know. I'm learning, already. So you know the rules? Not really, okay. You've got sixty seconds. Come on Holland! 1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war. And then you go for it. Bow, bow. And then you basically just have to fight. Bascially pin my thumb down, like that. I love that you don't know how to play this game. It's been a while. Cause I'm 41. All right here we go. 1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war! Bow, bow. Now go! Go, go! You've got way bigger hands than me! Come on Tom, only three seconds left! Two! We have a winner! I cheated, I cheated, I went for the pinky. Ah, I feel bad about it, I feel bad. Well done, Ben. You will be Infinity Thumb War Champion! You're very gracious. Yeah. Infinity War is out now! Go and see it, guys! Give it up for the guys, everyone! bc & th do the lifting for two it's fine okay you can just sit there look pretty it's fine okay um you have someone who carries your juice boxes is the most important detail yeah what was it like filming your death scene in infinity war um he laughs what can one say and i've also kept state secrets about star trek into darkness or you'll find out i mean it's ridiculous he's so he he teaches me things i mean the premiere or something it was the morning after the premiere they had a premiere and then they added another scene for the releases how does that happen how do you have a hybrid of them how does life finds a way to laugh wrong film i think but yes tell me later spinning um display thing that the watches are in yes yes i thought that was purely for display but then i found out that they were able to turn the watches it's to keep the timing on the watch accurate there is that i didn't know that interesting this is the time theme thing guess that's where his brain went there i always have to keep practicing my american accent i do it every day in the shower i shower in america okay just so that i'm ready to showering america well i can't do the showering because that would be inappropriate go on you've got a puppy when he doesn't have his sugar he really does yeah i'm very stressed right now because this is live so i'm really just trying to sit with these guys that's why i'm here i'm here just to police them you don't need me and spider-man it's i'm just here to go like this it's like chaperoning sewer i just don't know what's going to come out of there so they give you the size i am here to filter yeah everything exactly i have that ability so i can just go like that and it was ev whenever chris pratt and dave they know that they hang out together whenever they were together just being very i'm pre-entering i just have you been doing this on the whole tour because because i could be wrong about not well enough clearly are there new characters in this movie brilliant are there new characters in this movie yeah always yeah what's an obadiah stain are you frozen what just happened you haven't even seen the clip no we haven't even seen wait who has the better goatee tony stark or doctor strange that should be what i should answer that who has the better goatee doctor strange does soul reality time power reality space time mind mind stone i'm probably going to get in trouble for this but i don't feel they got spider-man right up to this point i think you're uh yeah i think for me i think you'll be away from an insult i know i know it's not it's going to kick off i remember thinking i'm about to beat this up what are you saying about my voice it's very endearing and i don't know how much is him playing he's really smart i don't know how much of course he is i have the clip i have the clip okay after this we'll do the clip i'm not going to show you okay JIMMY SHOW Subtitle our first catch tonight is an oscar-nominated actor who has exceeded the dreams of all the world's nerds combined he's in four marvel movies three hobbits even a star trek now he plays the villainous cowboy phil burbank in the power of the dog all right now gentlemen look see that's what you do with the cloth it's really just for wine drips oh you got that boys only for the drip now get us some food the power of the dog is in select theaters wednesday and on netflix december 1st please welcome benedict cumberbatch oh it's good to have you here very good to see you thank you very much i have to tell you i love to hear you speak with an american accent i you know it's doctor strange etc i like it i just it amazes me i was just saying backstage how difficult it is to speak in an english accent after doing a whole day's filming of doctor strange something just happens when i kind of slide into it and it's really odd i i thought to myself i hope i want to go on stage oh i'm doing it now it's a really really really weird thing it's pretty amazing to hear that just kind of phase into america like that very kind yeah go on you face into english uh well you know what there's nothing more annoying than hearing an american do in english like oh hello and you know everybody's you know i love it though it makes me feel good about my end of things you should feel good about the fact that power of the dog i'm sure you know everybody's saying it's gonna get an oscar nomination it's actually like at the top of the list of these movies that are uh being buzzed about very nice and that's rare for a dog movie you know airbud for instance got zero nominations at all that's true this is not a life of pets it's not quite about a dog not a pet movie no no no no you know that sort of stuff is fantastic it means that all that hard work and it was hard work we got interacted by covid we had a fantastic crew down in new zealand shooting it and we were we were in suspension like the rest of the world not knowing what normal would be again and we managed to get back in there and finish it so the idea that that's now gonna get seen because people are talking about it that's that's what all this the movie is set in montana correct you did not shoot it in montana we shot it in new zealand yeah yeah it was set in 1925 montana of which there is very little left in montana that's 1925. i mean right this place in new zealand was like 360 degrees of wilderness and untouched unhumanized land and it's uh it's one of the characters in the film really it's extraordinary have you been to montana i have yeah i went to dude camp i kind of went there to dude camp yeah man yeah to to learn the life of a rancher because my my fellow does a lot of stuff he's you know he's adept with a knife uh castration he does braiding and roping he does whittling and whistling and rolling cigarettes with one hand all the hard stuff you learned castration i learned a lot of things i learned a lot of things what things did you learn i learnt uh well horse riding i sort of honed my skills on that and then how to treat a skin a hide and turn that into rope into what you use in a in a rodeo you can turn hide into rope i mean yeah i'd push yeah wow i tried with an expert randy how long were you up there with i was there for about three weeks yeah and i met some incredible folk on two different branches and i hung out with uh with randy who with his wife jen put me up in their house and we just drove around that state and met some extraordinary people whose livelihoods you know i was trying to authenticate in uh in my character wow what a thing for randy and jen to like they're up there on their ranch doing ranch stuff turning hides into rope and stuff and then you show up and you stay with them yeah yeah i think they're they're very cool about it they're they're the yeah were they things they tried to teach it you're like yeah yeah no i don't need that no nothing no no i needed all of it you did you took it all definitely i mean he's even a brilliant musician not that i played the guitar in the phone i played the banjo but even that was helpful so yeah there's nothing i shied away from him teaching me wow wow and you were working with animals and uh working with animals and just having the most profound experiences on horseback driving cattle across this beautiful landscape and working with humans who are using sometimes just sounds rather than words to direct dogs to direct cattle and in a very gentle non-1925 way this kind of you know low impact you feel like you could now handle uh a herd of cows like you could i can on your own there was a thing that happened when i was i was on a holiday recently in england and uh there was this passageway to get down to the beach and it meant going through a field the farmer's field and there were cattle in it and it wasn't long after carving so you know there were some young cows with their mums and mums are rightfully very protective of their young so there was a group of holy makers just standing there with a kind of inflatable toys and beach towels and stuff kind of looking absolutely terrified and not moving as these cattle just kind of walked towards them really aggressively and i went i've got this i kind of cleared a path and they went that was amazing not an american accent which i nearly did again that's great they were english um and uh that is kind of great it was it was weird and then they went are you better at cumberbatch and i was like goodbye the cow said that or the people get all the cows yeah they just got down on their front hooves and kind of went hello we love you in sherlock we would like to see some more in american cows as well you have another uh a movie coming out right around now as well it's out actually it's on amazon prime it's called the electrical life of louis wayne and who was who was louie wayne amazing amazing artist and illustrator of the victorian era and he's most famous for these sort of anthropomorphic cat drawings which are hysterical and say more really about us than they do about cats but he became a hugely popular figure and he had a very oh was he the guy that would draw like those kaleidoscopic yes and he moved into that kind of area as well so he was big in the sort of 60s and 70s the psychedelic era kind of picked him up as a favorite artist to kind of stare at and uh yeah he was he lived a life quite hard difficult life he found an emotional language in a way fitting in very difficult so it's about his triumphs and his hardships and uh did you move into a petsmart and learn to paint no we we we filmed a petsmart we brought cats in i mean kittens were great to work with you know they do exactly what you imagine kittens to do they play with balls of string they lick from sources of milk anything else on that kitten is just a it's just like it it you wait for hours so you're seeing nothing cows are easier than kittens hell yeah yeah yeah they are because you know you just get them out of the way that's kind of all you have to do with cows but kittens and cats rather were supposed to like jump on a plate and look mournfully at me or walk across a room and it would just take hours it's hard to explain that to them yeah it's really hard you know fair enough you know they're crazily kind of wild creatures at home we're gonna take a break and i when we come back i must ask you about um some marvel comic stuff because of course i mean it's my job all right cumberbatch is here with us we'll be right back benedict cumberbatch is with us you were here shooting reshoots of dr strange yeah yeah facial hair uh-huh do you know what the reshoots are gonna be or they just figure out what needed a little bit of work like everything with marvel that comes in fresh pretty much most mornings despite these being reshoots but um no it's really exciting and the film's shaping up to be something special you're also in the uh spider-man movie and she has i'm sure you know it's like like 350 million views for the trailer on youtube wow which is like a world record of some kind yeah and of course there are a lot of questions or a lot of theories people are interested sure jimmy i figured i'd hit you with some of them for instance some of the fans think doctor strange they think is behaving a little bit strangely and maybe he is not dr strange but he is mephisto who takes the shape and by the way every every marvel trailer the fans think it's mephisto so do you know anything about that no um andrew garfield says he's got an eye detector on this show that would be the surefire wouldn't you test the truth to some of these would you submit to it without definitely for that one yeah you would oh great oh yeah next time we'll hook you up and by the way i won't limit it to marvel questions either we will learn a lot about you oh no i'm going to have a lie detector and a tumescence monitor what's that that sounds dirty you'll look it up many people believe andrew garfield and toby mcguire will appear as spider-man in the multiverse do they yeah they do have you seen andrew garfield recently tick tick boom mm-hmm not in person no i saw him at a zoom core recently for a round table and then tick tick boom okay um uh another question where would you find more guys dressed as spider-man in that movie or out on hollywood [Laughter] here's also uh kirsten dunst uh yeah your co-star yes in this film he is uh rumored to be playing mary jane in spider-man and other mary jane really yeah nothing how about this are you aware that there's an action figure of you with two heads what's that a bonus head oh my happy face and my sad face that's that's the mephisto headlights my performance right there okay uh i just got this this is my actual corner in there as well what's that that looks like weed or something the green stuff what's that yeah that's weed that's so you eat you eat that and then and then and then do that that's what makes him think he has powers and this is i'm excited to announce this is my new uh action figure and i have to say there's we can't say much about it but i loved our scene together and i think it's going to be just jimmy's awesome and it's so exciting don't you know the rules you can't talk about what do you mean you can't talk about it no i was told that i could mention this because they do want to sell a lot of toys but you can see i mean there's me as craven the hunter which i am playing and uh so it's pretty good you know you do look a little bit like john krasinski but there we go wait are you saying john krasinski is being uh is blaine craven the hunter in this i'm just i'm just saying you look a little bit like him oh no interesting interesting well no i'm super excited and it was so much fun working with you guys what's the hell jimmy we had this conversation on day one just because you have a chat show it doesn't mean you can chat about this you know well it turns out that if when they give you the non-disclosure forms if you sign the name lionel richie on them that it doesn't it doesn't apply it's you're not legally bound to keep anything plus i'm so excited and i'm going to put that room into bed lionel richie's not in this film yeah well then i might not see it well it's very good to see i look forward to seeing you a lot more on the marvel press tour the movie is called the power of the dog it is in select theaters on wednesday and on netflix on december 1st benedict cumberbatch everybody we'll be back kevin garnett if you like that video then put a ring on it click the subscribe button below 鄰居組 Subtitle first of all I really enjoyed the film I should probably say that before yesterday thank you and I mean certainly in terms of casting both of you apparently Steven Spielberg was a big fan of your TV work Benedict and thought you were Errol Flynn reincarnated Tom so any comments on what Fitness well he haven't seen the unseen show log that semi-custom I think actually saw him in films that I think Tina J did a very good job of sending me through what I've done in it then atonement malleable and garland I forget about what other film before that but it was that it starts pretend maybe yeah I think it was probably time let's find it for me for him but anyway yeah that thought that was it and then he saw Sherlock and felt a little bit of lovely and that's and what they're doing it as did everybody well bless you yeah and are you in I can't he is overcome if he's an action man he's got the looks he's incredibly talented actor and he's one of the finest of our generation and I was just wondering if you could do any expressions of your co-stars in strange situations you feed me yes and Tom Hiddleston ordering a big market McDonald's hi yeah I'd like to have you'll match your Big Mac please and some fries and a shake too and some chicken Munoz and why they kind of have a cordon bleu cheese and a fitted to fish if they still do this Thanks so I thought we could do matching your quotes with the Avengers co-stars okay um I was informed yesterday that there's a Twitter account for my laughs who would say who's got a crazy laugh yeah that's the clue Chris Evans maybe no okay no I don't know Tommy I just really what's his laugh like it's quite well it's well it's really open air he's quite good yeah I would like to nominate Benedict Cumberbatch Luke Evans and Helena Bonham Carter you have 24 hours to respond who my name is Benedict Cumberbatch I'll I be nominated to take the ice bucket challenge by Tom Hiddleston Juno Temple and Adelaide Clemens three times so here I am about to take it I'm a day late as well but I'm just going to take the one now it's in order to raise awareness for ALS which is a form of motor neuron disease which has a devastating effect on people's lives so please text and donate generously did you see the word Benedict wrote on reddit it's been brought to my attention this morning yes and I did not see it as it went oh but did they show you did they show you what he wrote there's a question that's bothering you see zygoma is a word I didn't know existed either there's that's the Cumberbatch vocabulary for you imagining a one time trap type any time traveling long Tony time traveling long overcoat pelvis conferences right Benedict that's just asking for trouble isn't it the Internet has responded but I I was delighted the Internet has responded oh my goodness but you know thank you that's quite that's quite a mischievous thing to do that's quite an you know well oh yeah I may be having words with him about doesn't mean anything tom hiddleston he would go home the nicest peel that and are on prosper lon horse pedagogy boys yoga nest that's when at the beginning of Sophocles a lecturer arrestees says to his friend economy his name now the pedagogue RCA or peel that on their own Prospero on the dearest of men hoist better got he post humanists like a noble horse then the eponymous is River horse he's not he posed what the most the post Potter boss there we go what's the message river he puts his horse as we learnt in wedding or like to send a message through your new Greek fans call it a TV n ok yeah yeah sooo if I stop are Poli I wish I can say this in Greek but what a TV but I hope you enjoy watching Sherlock Holmes it's a great thrill that you're gonna get to see it here [Music] looking for happiness is a sure way to sadness I think you have to take each moment as it comes to talk that's you was it this is the crossover because I'm sure I interviewed every I'm sure he's exactly that but it's very true that's very true Santana said that every day is a creative act a step closer to becoming we want to be Christ that can't be me that doesn't really sound like Tom either that sounds like a self-help menu it's not wrong it's just it I would never disagree with anything tom says he's a very wise man but yeah life is a journey but it covered quite surprising said it suppose he called posting conversation yeah that's slightly less cheesy than that though bad day I figured you'd ace list I didn't quite that that wasn't the perfect right okay I reckon Tom might get it right all right yeah is it done final Smith and I have a cookie but we meld into one right it's [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] yeah yeah I think you've got a gun see the imitation girl I was gonna say tom is also telling the Marvel family and telling you guys are good friends what you mean Thomas spider-man there were so many Tom's about two times which one of you closer with the bomb I've known longer speaking of son of a I saw our mutual friend mr. Hiddleston this afternoon Barney you asked him if he could give me any help and he was like no I don't think Benedict needs any help for me whatsoever it's already got back to you yeah he hugged it out I saw him earlier and we were catching up and he said he said that too I was like it's so sweet that they're looking at they're asking you to look after me or look out for me like a baby that way all I was saying was it's a never but we need to see you guys together in a film you're both in the Marvel Universe I know I know I know I know well we'll see we'll see you know stuff could happen but I first met the recipient of this award while learning how to ride horses for War Horse the film version not the play the recipient was cast as the major I was cast as the captain inevitably it's like higher rank and horses have a very acute sense of whether the rider knows what he or she is doing and we spent most of our time falling off these forces and we might he's an excellent actor but it's perfect obviously be both be useless in the house for cavalry oh it's a round of applause by the way that [Applause] so I'll keep this short really and let the work do the talking many of you will know him for his range and his talent and the sheer volume of it for his mystery and intellectual brilliance and charisma as Sherlock Holmes as a master of the mystic arts he has been seen by millions as a character who predicts millions of possibilities into the future I first saw him as you may have done as a quiet captivating Tesman in Hedda Gabler at the Almeida for Richard Eyre he is delighted moved and entertained so many people sometimes as an actor sometimes by his inability to say the word penguin is a maturing he's Stephen Hawking he's Steven strange and most recently a personal favorite of mine Patrick Melrose he's the new president of lamda the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts helping to give a leg up to the next generation of performers filmmakers theatre makers and actors he can do anything he has done almost everything he's one of the best we have he's a great actor and a good man and I'm proud to call him my friend work with you know they do exactly what you imagine kittens to do they play with balls of string they lick from sources of milk anything else on that kitten is just a it's just like it it you wait for hours so you're seeing nothing cows are easier than kittens hell yeah yeah yeah they are because you know you just get them out of the way that's kind of all you have to do with cows but kittens and cats rather were supposed to like jump on a plate and look mournfully at me or walk across a room and it would just take hours it's hard to explain that to them yeah it's really hard you know fair enough you know they're crazily kind of wild creatures at home we're gonna take a break and i when we come back i must ask you about um some marvel comic stuff because of course i mean it's my job all right cumberbatch is here with us we'll be right back benedict cumberbatch is with us you were here shooting reshoots of dr strange yeah yeah facial hair uh-huh do you know what the reshoots are gonna be or they just figure out what needed a little bit of work like everything with marvel that comes in fresh pretty much most mornings despite these being reshoots but um no it's really exciting and the film's shaping up to be something special you're also in the uh spider-man movie and she has i'm sure you know it's like like 350 million views for the trailer on youtube wow which is like a world record of some kind yeah and of course there are a lot of questions or a lot of theories people are interested sure jimmy i figured i'd hit you with some of them for instance some of the fans think doctor strange they think is behaving a little bit strangely and maybe he is not dr strange but he is mephisto who takes the shape and by the way every every marvel trailer the fans think it's mephisto so do you know anything about that no um andrew garfield says he's got an eye detector on this show that would be the surefire wouldn't you test the truth to some of these would you submit to it without definitely for that one yeah you would oh great oh yeah next time we'll hook you up and by the way i won't limit it to marvel questions either we will learn a lot about you oh no i'm going to have a lie detector and a tumescence monitor what's that that sounds dirty you'll look it up many people believe andrew garfield and toby mcguire will appear as spider-man in the multiverse do they yeah they do have you seen andrew garfield recently tick tick boom mm-hmm not in person no i saw him at a zoom core recently for a round table and then tick tick boom okay um uh another question where would you find more guys dressed as spider-man in that movie or out on hollywood [Laughter] here's also uh kirsten dunst uh yeah your co-star yes in this film he is uh rumored to be playing mary jane in spider-man and other mary jane really yeah nothing how about this are you aware that there's an action figure of you with two heads what's that a bonus head oh my happy face and my sad face that's that's the mephisto headlights my performance right there okay uh i just got this this is my actual corner in there as well what's that that looks like weed or something the green stuff what's that yeah that's weed that's so you eat you eat that and then and then and then do that that's what makes him think he has powers and this is i'm excited to announce this is my new uh action figure and i have to say there's we can't say much about it but i loved our scene together and i think it's going to be just jimmy's awesome and it's so exciting don't you know the rules you can't talk about what do you mean you can't talk about it no i was told that i could mention this because they do want to sell a lot of toys but you can see i mean there's me as craven the hunter which i am playing and uh so it's pretty good you know you do look a little bit like john krasinski but there we go wait are you saying john krasinski is being uh is blaine craven the hunter in this i'm just i'm just saying you look a little bit like him oh no interesting interesting well no i'm super excited and it was so much fun working with you guys what's the hell jimmy we had this conversation on day one just because you have a chat show it doesn't mean you can chat about this you know well it turns out that if when they give you the non-disclosure forms if you sign the name lionel richie on them that it doesn't it doesn't apply it's you're not legally bound to keep anything plus i'm so excited and i'm going to put that room into bed lionel richie's not in this film yeah well then i might not see it well it's very good to see i look forward to seeing you a lot more on the marvel press tour the movie is called the power of the dog it is in select theaters on wednesday and on netflix on december 1st benedict cumberbatch everybody we'll be back kevin garnett if you like that video then put a ring on it click the subscribe button below dctor honest interview guy's rear for our first junked interview with the sorcerer supreme the ancient one and so many amazing actors and we're going to try and keep this interview honest are you ready Spencer nope you have to do a lot of medical mumbo-jumbo I'm curious what's harder the medical mumbo jumbo or the magical medical by phone because you know somewhere out there but someone who really knows how to do that and you don't want to offend actual Sorcerer's when you're doing those ancestors yeah the few far between that yeah they act out their offensiveness in different ways now I would be remiss if I didn't bring up the best movie of all time Mean Girls boo you [ __ ] and I'm not just bringing it up for no reason I just think there's a lot of parallels between Regina and dr. strange oh because she is hit by that bus and she has this long recovery to become a warrior and dr. strange also you know talks about infinite universes infinite possibilities what would it be like if Regina became a sorcerer supreme ooh good wins better dark world would be plunged into for eternity [Applause] you're so not scary in real life I would just look fun alert is there something uncharacteristic arey that you can remind fans like do you like puppies like love please don't don't love puppies but I also like to eat them so maybe like so many I kind of characters from Sherlock Smaug now the Grinch coming soon now dr. strange is there like a character it's still in your list of like I really like to play that person no and also that they aren't they've never been on my list as the God's honest truth I never had I don't have a bucket list well we had a bucket list of case we go on then we have above your lesson we had fans ask who would you want to see benedict okay first one is Walter White I am the one that knocks papa holy crap I got all right Willy Wonka remember that scene at the ends haha you got nothing you lose good day sir dog chills Wow oh my god this tells you little lambs no no here's one as me Mario I'm never the other this one this is this was my Doctor Who screwdriver no that's it for as much as I know about this is no no no no but I'm not gonna go through we gotta get you in Star Wars an Anakin Skywalker has a scene that I think you can crush don't like sign its course it's rough it's irritating again come on you can do that better give me the people Bennett again say that oh yeah I could do justice that I like that's that's a talkie I don't like Sam its course and it's rough and it's irritating it that's everywhere well that brought a new ass I got a shame it was missing and I have one last one because this is my favorite character ever Ralph Wiggum he's a favorite my cat's bread smells like cat food oh my god oh thank you helped us break the internet yeah speaking of the comedy your character notoriously doesn't laugh in the film it's a running joke right so I was wondering if you'd let me try to make you laugh here okay you ready okay why did the doctor lose his temper he ran out of patience what can think the unthinkable an iceberg what did the Pirates say when he turned 80 I made this should be fun uh given that you talked about your medical expertise just now would you like to play I'll give you some names you can tell me if they're a deep Doctor Strange character or an herbal supplement for menopause because they're remarkably similar okay all right wow this is a real thing first one is black cohosh it sounds like you're correct that's for menopause skullcap mm-hmm also for menopause commissioned these wonderful so they're already feeling like stinger oh did your own spit just a giant I'll go with what dr. strange correct Wow I think she created a you didn't just nail this does the movie sync up to Dark Side of the Moon or any morning everything syncs up starts out the man yeah absolutely actually I think would sync up more to a Saucerful of Secrets Chuck Mangione Oh Chuck Mangione albums any any early Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix are you experienced and uh the 4th elo album nice yeah I've made sure it fit all of those I want to talk about a specific white guy Wes Anderson yeah I know you've worked with him in the past I'm so curious do you think he would do well it with a big-budget Marvel movie I feel he lives in a big-budget Marvel movie that's that's the world he lives in I want to see perfectly symmetrical man yeah perfectly symmetrical man [Music] Julie Cardcaptor teamironman Benedict did this me of me um remember you're in America are you con no I'm John Harrison I mean - yeah so this thing I'm curious like do you have any guilty pleasures like just till the sudden watch The Bachelor oh I don't watch The Bachelor but I have many guilty pleasures but I'm not very good at guilt so I don't even know what would qualify as guilt um what I'm really lazy I know you're married uh but my mom didn't suck without it's yeah my mom doesn't she's making me ask you if you like older women I really I always see it's a point to point out that I I'm very very very very very very much a married man oh sorry mystical but I do and I'm gonna be my dad here hey I asked mom Lord's son moment said yeah thanks that's not thank you so much already rated that's pretty good he did this he did broth Wiggum smells like cinnamon he does smell like cinnamon he's not gonna do your mom though guys that was so much fun and if you want to see more please subscribe to our new channel screen junkies news you can click over here for some more fun stuff we'll be doing live news every morning and fun breaking news throughout the day so come subscribe and see more [Music] Marvel Universe I know I know I know I know well we'll see we'll see you know stuff could happen but I first met the recipient of this award while learning how to ride horses for War Horse the film version not the play the recipient was cast as the major I was cast as the captain inevitably it's like higher rank and horses have a very acute sense of whether the rider knows what he or she is doing and we spent most of our time falling off these forces and we might he's an excellent actor but it's perfect obviously be both be useless in the house for cavalry oh it's a round of applause by the way that [Applause] so I'll keep this short really and let the work do the talking many of you will know him for his range and his talent and the sheer volume of it for his mystery and intellectual brilliance and charisma as Sherlock Holmes as a master of the mystic arts he has been seen by millions as a character who predicts millions of possibilities into the future I first saw him as you may have done as a quiet captivating Tesman in Hedda Gabler at the Almeida for Richard Eyre he is delighted moved and entertained so many people sometimes as an actor sometimes by his inability to say the word penguin is a maturing he's Stephen Hawking he's Steven strange and most recently a personal favorite of mine Patrick Melrose he's the new president of lamda the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts helping to give a leg up to the next generation of performers filmmakers theatre makers and actors he can do anything he has done almost everything he's one of the best we have he's a great actor and a good man and I'm proud to call him my friend work with you know they do exactly what you imagine kittens to do they play with balls of string they lick from sources of milk anything else on that kitten is just a it's just like it it you wait for hours so you're seeing nothing cows are easier than kittens hell yeah yeah yeah they are because you know you just get them out of the way that's kind of all you have to do with cows but kittens and cats rather were supposed to like jump on a plate and look mournfully at me or walk across a room and it would just take hours it's hard to explain that to them yeah it's really hard you know fair enough you know they're crazily kind of wild creatures at home we're gonna take a break and i when we come back i must ask you about um some marvel comic stuff because of course i mean it's my job all right cumberbatch is here with us we'll be right back benedict cumberbatch is with us you were here shooting reshoots of dr strange yeah yeah facial hair uh-huh do you know what the reshoots are gonna be or they just figure out what needed a little bit of work like everything with marvel that comes in fresh pretty much most mornings despite these being reshoots but um no it's really exciting and the film's shaping up to be something special you're also in the uh spider-man movie and she has i'm sure you know it's like like 350 million views for the trailer on youtube wow which is like a world record of some kind yeah and of course there are a lot of questions or a lot of theories people are interested sure jimmy i figured i'd hit you with some of them for instance some of the fans think doctor strange they think is behaving a little bit strangely and maybe he is not dr strange but he is mephisto who takes the shape and by the way every every marvel trailer the fans think it's mephisto so do you know anything about that no um andrew garfield says he's got an eye detector on this show that would be the surefire wouldn't you test the truth to some of these would you submit to it without definitely for that one yeah you would oh great oh yeah next time we'll hook you up and by the way i won't limit it to marvel questions either we will learn a lot about you oh no i'm going to have a lie detector and a tumescence monitor what's that that sounds dirty you'll look it up many people believe andrew garfield and toby mcguire will appear as spider-man in the multiverse do they yeah they do have you seen andrew garfield recently tick tick boom mm-hmm not in person no i saw him at a zoom core recently for a round table and then tick tick boom okay um uh another question where would you find more guys dressed as spider-man in that movie or out on hollywood [Laughter] here's also uh kirsten dunst uh yeah your co-star yes in this film he is uh rumored to be playing mary jane in spider-man and other mary jane really yeah nothing how about this are you aware that there's an action figure of you with two heads what's that a bonus head oh my happy face and my sad face that's that's the mephisto headlights my performance right there okay uh i just got this this is my actual corner in there as well what's that that looks like weed or something the green stuff what's that yeah that's weed that's so you eat you eat that and then and then and then do that that's what makes him think he has powers and this is i'm excited to announce this is my new uh action figure and i have to say there's we can't say much about it but i loved our scene together and i think it's going to be just jimmy's awesome and it's so exciting don't you know the rules you can't talk about what do you mean you can't talk about it no i was told that i could mention this because they do want to sell a lot of toys but you can see i mean there's me as craven the hunter which i am playing and uh so it's pretty good you know you do look a little bit like john krasinski but there we go wait are you saying john krasinski is being uh is blaine craven the hunter in this i'm just i'm just saying you look a little bit like him oh no interesting interesting well no i'm super excited and it was so much fun working with you guys what's the hell jimmy we had this conversation on day one just because you have a chat show it doesn't mean you can chat about this you know well it turns out that if when they give you the non-disclosure forms if you sign the name lionel richie on them that it doesn't it doesn't apply it's you're not legally bound to keep anything plus i'm so excited and i'm going to put that room into bed lionel richie's not in this film yeah well then i might not see it well it's very good to see i look forward to seeing you a lot more on the marvel press tour the movie is called the power of the dog it is in select theaters on wednesday and on netflix on december 1st benedict cumberbatch everybody we'll be back kevin garnett if you like that video then put a ring on it click the subscribe button below BC babysitting Subtitle Tom we've been told that um you're quite baddest given away that the kind of secrets in the films and stuff so they give you the same here to filter yeah everything before he says it I have that ability so I can just go like that no they give you they give you the script really as late as possible is that right no they don't give anyone the scripts I did read the script yes because I give you the script I did I did my butt look I'm old school and I've also kept state secrets advice I'll check it to divert so surely you'll find out that was great fun sparks flying there's good conflicts and humor to be out there from the trailer looks like YouTube sorry I know a lot about Marvel movies actually and that was before spider-man like I've always been a huge fan yeah and I found out on the spider-man precedent people try and catch me out with questions I was always sort of is really really really fun to work with it's nice to be on set with a friend and it's just you know it's a gas we have a good time I always have to practice in my American accent I do it every day in the shadow a shower in American okay well I can't do the showering cuz I'm gonna go shower and puppies I can't no American like eyes on accessible so I can like well I not from here but it sounds pretty good do you actually know now how this all ends or you still look kind of in the dark he doesn't know no I actually asked my agent lastly do you know how this ends he was like yeah I was like tell me he's like nope so everybody knows that you everybody knows how killing you know cuz I get to enjoy the film as a fan you know I can go and see the film knowing nothing about it and just enjoy it like I would have enjoyed the first Avengers what so he thinks but he's actually going off on another red carpet Chucky Chucky's bride or something they know it's a horror of Hanukkah it's well you might have shot it at the time spider-man film well you were doing this you don't even know no one I've just been filming me using black panther music yeah anybody said anyone called Tom or Chris hasn't read it Holland is not allowed to read it I tried for about five minutes I tried for about five minutes to get the script and just gave up so quickly I'm feeling that I was never gonna win tom hollie time bad at keeping a secret Tom H is that true and that producers went to extreme lengths to keep you from knowing what actually happens in the film I'm very stressed right now cuz this is live so I'm really Tom's not actually going to the premiere there's gonna be a separate little red carpet he's your first and last live interview awesome all right except now you've got these guys giving you a hard time I don't know if you heard but anthony mackie and sebastian stan wood and maybe benedict you can confirm or deny this but apparently now you have two assistants you write a push to to catering you have somebody carries your juice boxes the most vile give Benedict a juice box Mackie's just beating the worst picture ever I love it I think it's the era of fake news this stuff runs now wait we got like we got a level the playing field a little bit this is so good [ __ ] the game this is the most sorted grounded down-to-earth how young I mean it's ridiculous he's so he teaches me things I mean so he's um yeah he's far from the Mackay picture but were you just think it's really funny the first question of course is going to be more happens no laughs in the cordon esque way it was you know what can one say who would win RuPaul's Drag Race Tom Hiddleston Bradley Cooper or Robert Downey jr. and by the way Tom well done on rebury which we love it was line between RiRi and crime fighter spider-man when it comes to the moves I think Downey would win a drag I was gonna say yeah [Music] that kind of drag race I'd say no rapport man I'd say I'd say might a bit too much do you guys think will be the worst at this game when we play there fishing game three two one silence why do you guys pick Tom it's easy to be honest Tom Estonia spoiler central do you know we do not know that that's anti-truth serum right that will stop him from spinning B's I don't really know Tom I feel like you were that I heard there were a lot of things scripts given out yeah the cast I heard you were in particular one of those Moses even give it fake script did you get even get in it I wasn't given a fake story I was just given a script that was like black down like lots of it you couldn't read so I'd be doing a scene with someone and when it would come to say the character's name of the person I was working with it would just be blank you had no idea so I'd be like I would be I wouldn't know who I was working with and until occasionally I would get the pleasure of working with an actor right and they would be there how much do you help if I'm honest with you I actually know nothing about this movie I allowed to read the scripts because I'm so bad at keeping secrets for this exact reason I would want to tell you all the secrets and I just don't know them I know I play spider-man there was a kid from Queens Peter Parker seen the film right yeah that's a good that's a good kind of yeah that's a lot of students I have been asking for weeks and weeks if I can read the scripts and every time they're like no yeah I don't know anything about this movie apart from my B you think this is what I'm Bo he was tiring man you know benadryl diva and she says oh Tom his hairdo again does he write I had a lot of it I was making two films at once right and in that we were making two films together at the same time we would get all the spoilers and everything Benedict is he is it nice to be doing this together is it nice to have a wing man when you're on the Oct trial definitely definitely and it's that yet course it is it's a relay race then rather than just some kind of lonely shite and Tom I know you're being a brave soldier today you're a little bit under the weather yeah I've got my coffee I'm gonna do the lifting for two it's fine okay you could just say they look pretty it's fine okay you see a good job thank you so much for joining us the film and everything you do in your career in your life to go thanks guys thanks very much thank you that's all we've heard the you know you've heard you say you're not the best to keep in plus they say have you done this bill so far grow actually done really well until only because I don't really know anything about the film seriously I genuinely would show up and I would almost not even ask questions I just find it so funny because I'm one who laughed so loud in the cinema yeah and I'm now watching a film might be a huge fan of anyway in person and it was ever whenever Chris Pratt and Dave producer they know that they hang out together whenever they were together just being very I'm pronouncing my have you figured out about RuPaul yes because it has gone it is gone viral I haven't had a thing to do social media I know you do a bit but I saw these things filter to this is the first I've heard there's something that we've done know that he said went far what happened he caught it they asked who would be best on RuPaul's Drag Race yes and you said I said Downey would because he has the fastest cars thinking a drag race you've known yes I have were you entertained by it I promise masterfully and stained it's a great show it's really fun yeah but yeah cuz everyone I said it and everyone behind the cameras was like kind of freaking out oh my god he doesn't even know you really was born yesterday yeah for the reason that I don't ruin the film for the billions of people who are gonna watch it that's the reason yes yes that's why we're here I'm hit just to police and I need me and spider-man it's I'm just here to go like this it's very easy to accidentally do it yeah with both really enthusiastic and just blown away by being part of this film and he's got the excuse of playing spider-man he's 21 for Christ that's come on who's in that position and the rest of us that well me just kind of you know I've been a keeper of some secrets in the past but it's it's hard not to talk about this film and talk about this talk to me about getting to work with all the servers because I know that you know this has got to be every kid's dream we lost him he's already been taken when you get the script is there anybody from the Avengers you're disappointed not to be sharing a scene with did you want an opportunity to go toe-to-toe with the Hulk or four or any of that kind of I'd love to have fought the Hulk at some point yeah because there's a comic book that that happened in and it's a it's a really really funny story and it's really cool epic question and you've been doing this on the whole tour because because I could be wrong about not well enough clay you are known for actually dropping spoilers or actually revealing things that maybe go down there and are you like babysitting him is this what's going on I wouldn't say babies I'm gonna give you a chance sure the next time we do an interview okay the next time we do an interview if you could bring me everything I've ever spoiled if you could do the research because I actually like probably family I actually think I've spoiled footage I don't think I've actually when we see it the first time there's gonna be a separate little red carpet for him he's going off to another sim I watched Toy Story 3 man it the animation is great I don't know they cut me out the film but it was great right you haven't even seen the clip you showed the clip in a film that you will see at some point and the clip is apparently some part of that said film yeah it's a really good clip do you know how good the Clippers my dad is not a superhero movie fan and he loved it like he came out of the out of the cinema like raving about it yeah I have I have the clip okay after this we'll do the clip I'm going to show you imagine being early 30s you've directed to small indie movies and then someone gives you 175 million dollars and says go and reboot spider-man you shoot a lot to make sure you so right so I always whenever we would shoot a lot I just I do hear that not everybody makes it through the end of this film do you guys know I mean I don't comment no comment I don't know I mean he says he was a smoke screen I don't even know if I make it through lines though he has to talk about so much quantum realm stuff just I just have to talk about yeah man that's awesome this is cool so mines easy teenager woo but I seriously was like you can do it [Laughter] like weed or something the green stuff what's that yeah that's weed that's so you eat you eat that and then and then and then do that that's what makes him think he has powers and this is i'm excited to announce this is my new uh action figure and i have to say there's we can't say much about it but i loved our scene together and i think it's going to be just jimmy's awesome and it's so exciting don't you know the rules you can't talk about what do you mean you can't talk about it no i was told that i could mention this because they do want to sell a lot of toys but you can see i mean there's me as craven the hunter which i am playing and uh so it's pretty good you know you do look a little bit like john krasinski but there we go wait are you saying john krasinski is being uh is blaine craven the hunter in this i'm just i'm just saying you look a little bit like him oh no interesting interesting well no i'm super excited and it was so much fun working with you guys what's the hell jimmy we had this conversation on day one just because you have a chat show it doesn't mean you can chat about this you know well it turns out that if when they give you the non-disclosure forms if you sign the name lionel richie on them that it doesn't it doesn't apply it's you're not legally bound to keep anything plus i'm so excited and i'm going to put that room into bed lionel richie's not in this film yeah well then i might not see it well it's very good to see i look forward to seeing you a lot more on the marvel press tour the movie is called the power of the dog it is in select theaters on wednesday and on netflix on december 1st benedict cumberbatch everybody we'll be back kevin garnett if you like that video then put a ring on it click the subscribe button below |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/MxGmpjggp4BoAaUdZ9eO