1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 | This is the first NC I got: " FOLLOW THIS INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLY FOR MODEL JOB ( Espanol al final de la nota ) TIRED OF APPLYING AND NOT BE SELECTED? HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. - WE WILL PAY YOU $300 PER HOUR AS A MODEL- ALL MODELS THAT APPLY CORRECT FOLLOWING THIS INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE HIRE, GARANTEE. read carefull to apply correctly or you will not be selected. - DO NOT SEND NOTES ASKING QUESTIONS SEND IM - If you send IM asking questions that are clear in this note you will get disqualify for this position. So please read all instructions first before ask. NOTE: WORK WILL BE FOR FASHION SHOWS, MANIQUIES AND ALSO EVENTS. WE NEED MANY MODELS - pictures need to be taken by yourself- professional pictures or pictures taken by friends will be rejected. -get some clothes you think will look good on you for the picture to apply. STORE CLOTHES ONLY- if you can't buy clothes you can't apply-if you don't like my clothes enough to buy why should i hire you?- you have to like my clothes and buy them because you liked not just to apply for model. If you don t like my clothes to wear them. Don't get it. I'm not interesting to increase my sells with your purchase. This is not scam i need to increase my models team. -Take your picture at any place of your preference. make your picture 512x512. full body picture showing the clothes. Don't send pictures inside notes. send picture texture only. -Tittle your picture: ' MODEL SEARCH' and your full name (please full rights, modify,copy and transfer). -drop the picture to my profile Claireana Munro (please ONLY ONE picture PER DRESS will be accepted. but, you can take and send as many pictures as you want with different clothes from the store. If you send more than one pic with same dress you get disqualify). - you need to showed the full attire you're wearing (also try to set the light for your picture correct so the picture is not to dark. force midday is good way. you are welcome to edit the picture before you send it). Note: If you send a picture without correct tittle is going to be rejected sorry. Please be sure you have mark in your profile 'show on search'- otherwise we are not going to contact you." This is what I got after they choose me: "Hi, CONGRATULATIONS you accomplish the step 1 to be one of our models. we just received your picture application to be a model for 5TH AVENUE BOUTIQUE. you look good in your picture. there is many things you should learn before you worked with us. HERE IS THE INFORMATION ABOUT -- JOB TRAINING.-- (THIS IS NOT MODELING SCHOOL) YOU WILL BEGIN TO WORK AS SOON AS YOU FINISH YOUR 8 HOURS OF JOB TRAINING AND YOU WILL MAKE $300 L PER HOUR. GUARANTEE. if you are interesting keep reading. TRAINING IS ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK AND YOU CAN SELECT THE BEST HOURS FOR YOU. PRICES and schedule -------------------------- JOB TRAINING-- schedules are at your convenience 8 HOURS OF JOB TRAINING total cost $ 5000 Please pay direct to claireana munro for the training and send a note saying what days and times of the week you can train. please sign the note with your sl official name and send note to me. I will send you instructions and dates for you to show for your job training. AS SOON AS YOU PAY I LL SEND YOU MODEL'S TEAM GROUP SO PLEASE CHECK IF YOU CAN GET ONE MORE GROUP. NOTE - This is not scam to make you purchase clothes or enroll in any kind of model classes THIS is JOB TRAINING. If you buy clothes only to apply and you don t like my clothes to wear it is not my fault. This is a real job that pays good. But, if you can t pay for job training just say no and don t get your frustration out and tell me why i should give free training. i won t do it because a lot of models quit and i waste my time is the only reason. this is sl and everybody runs business in their own way. everything is up to you. nobody point a gun for you to apply to jobs or pay for things. take it or leave it is your choice. claireana munro NOTE; models will do fashion shows magazine pictures stand clothing show no refunds if you miss 3 training class u will be dismiss. ---------------- If you accept please pay direct to me and i ll send you the group for models." THIS IS STUPID! So I send her this: "I am not going to work for you, I am sorry. Here is the reason why: You didn't put ANYTHING about this in your NC: "Model Search". You keep saying it's not a scam, to me it feels like. I can understand you want the models to pay you for job training so it's not a waste of time. I can totally understand that, but 5,000?? That's way to much and what's going to be next?? Step 3? Pay another 10,000? I don't trust this anymore. Sorry, hope you find someone else that's pay you that amount." |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/NxGJibdq9UBVPuLUOKDn