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Guest_evachanlight: Seriousely Guest_Frostune: seriously what? Guest_evachanlight: its not like i cuted my whole leg Guest_Frostune: but why Guest_evachanlight: i really don't know Guest_evachanlight: i just felt sorrow Guest_Frostune: i feel more sorrow if u suicide Guest_Frostune: - - Guest_evachanlight: u fell sorrow if i die Guest_Frostune: yea Guest_evachanlight: u will feel sorrow if i die y? Guest_Frostune: cuz i still like u Guest_evachanlight: oh Guest_Frostune: if not Guest_evachanlight: y do u still like me? Guest_Frostune: why i download imvu. Guest_Frostune: idk... love is complicate for me Guest_evachanlight: actually love is happiness and saddness Guest_Frostune: and sacrefice Guest_evachanlight: ok Guest_evachanlight: can u stop talking about love Guest_Frostune: i already stopped Guest_Frostune: u just continiue, and i continiue it Guest_evachanlight: good cuz if not the doctory gets a broken arm Guest_Frostune: ...?? Guest_evachanlight: the doctor is cheking my leg Guest_Frostune: owh Guest_evachanlight: and y do u care if i die Guest_Frostune: i think i've explain that before Guest_evachanlight: its not like ur going to die to Guest_Frostune: maybe i would join u Guest_evachanlight: well hey u have a great life maybe don't follow me if i die Guest_Frostune: not so great Guest_evachanlight: enjoy ur life Guest_Frostune: i feel emptyness Guest_Frostune: enjoy ur life too - -; Guest_evachanlight: look i can't enjoy it anymore Guest_Frostune: then dont make it more miserable Guest_evachanlight: i feel like im dead already Guest_Frostune: then heal it Guest_Frostune: just being urself, not being emo Guest_evachanlight: being a emo is being myself Guest_Frostune: nope Guest_Frostune: you different from allysa sabrina i see 2 years ago Guest_evachanlight: shes gone Guest_Frostune: then u not being urself Guest_evachanlight: shes dead Guest_evachanlight: look Guest_evachanlight: i cannot find a way to describe it Guest_evachanlight: allysa is gone i cant be changed back Guest_Frostune: why Guest_Frostune: everyone always have second chance Guest_evachanlight: look i have no more chances i cant change Guest_evachanlight: Guesswhat Guest_Frostune: ? Guest_evachanlight: i can't be like the allysa u meet Guest_Frostune: y? Guest_evachanlight: 2 years ago u know who i really was but now u don't know me Guest_Frostune: what? Guest_evachanlight: can u wait for 5 seconds Guest_Frostune: 1 Guest_Frostune: 2 Guest_Frostune: 3 Guest_Frostune: 4 Guest_Frostune: 5 Guest_Frostune: ok Guest_evachanlight: back Guest_evachanlight: i just broke the doctors arm Guest_Frostune: ????? Guest_Frostune: and im going to ask once again Guest_Frostune: why? Guest_evachanlight: he dropped my hot coffee at my leg Guest_Frostune: .... Guest_evachanlight: in other words if he spills something on me i will really break his neck Guest_evachanlight: HEY! Guest_Frostune: what would i answer? Guest_evachanlight: AM I TALKING TO YOU OR NOT? Guest_Frostune: dont break someone neck? Guest_evachanlight: WHY NOT Guest_Frostune: cuz maybe he'll sue u? idk Guest_evachanlight: IF HE DOES ILL BREAK ALL HIS BONED Guest_evachanlight: BONES Guest_evachanlight: WHAT WOULD A DOCTOR FEEL IF I BROKE HIS LEG Guest_Frostune: um Guest_evachanlight: ? Guest_evachanlight: Humming Guest_Frostune: do.... Guest_evachanlight: Humming Guest_evachanlight: Guesswhat Guest_Frostune: i forget what its name Guest_evachanlight: I BROKE HIS LEG B CUZ HE SAID I CANT DRINK COFFEE Guest_Frostune: he doing x-ray to his leg Guest_Frostune: u can Guest_Frostune: u just not allowed Guest_Frostune: but for good Guest_Frostune: cuz caffein is no good for ur situation right now Guest_Frostune: am i talking to you or what :3 Guest_evachanlight: IF I DONT DRINK COFFEE I REALLY REALLY GET MAD MOSTLY I WILL I REAL WOULD BREAK THEIR VASES Guest_evachanlight: IN OTHER WORD OTHER PEOPLE IN HER WILL REALLY FEEL PAIN Guest_Frostune: '-' Guest_evachanlight: DONT TELL ME UR NOT DRINKING COFFEE Guest_Frostune: sometimes Guest_Frostune: when at dinner Guest_Frostune: or when i really need it Guest_Frostune: to keep me stay awake Guest_Frostune: or when im in exam Guest_Frostune: i drink everyday Guest_evachanlight: CAN U SLEEP WHEN UR COUNTRY IS IN A WAR Guest_Frostune: idk Guest_Frostune: i born in piece time Guest_Frostune: never tought about it Guest_evachanlight: DOES UR COUNTRY HAVE LIZARDS Guest_Frostune: ? Guest_Frostune: what lizard Guest_Frostune: my country have komodo Guest_evachanlight: I MENT LIZARDS IN THE WALLS Guest_Frostune: every house have that Guest_Frostune: i think Guest_evachanlight: MY HOUSE DOSENT HAVE Guest_evachanlight: MY EMO FRIENDS AND ME HAD OUR SUMMER IN A DIFFRENT COUNTRY Guest_evachanlight: THEIR COUNTRY WAS ON WAR Guest_Frostune: o_o Guest_evachanlight: I ALWAYS GO TO SLEEP FIRST THAN MY EMO FRIENDS Guest_evachanlight: ITS NOT LIKE BOMBS R SCARY Guest_Frostune: yerba Guest_Frostune: ? Guest_Frostune: ? Guest_evachanlight: WHEN I WOKE UP I SAY A HUGE LIZARD SITTING ON MY CHEST Guest_Frostune: o_o Guest_evachanlight: I FORGOT THE NAME OF THE COUNTRY Guest_Frostune: yerba? Guest_evachanlight: MAYBE Guest_Frostune: sweden Guest_evachanlight: I FORGOTTEN IT Guest_Frostune: btw Guest_Frostune: what time is there? Guest_Frostune: its midnight isnt it?? Guest_evachanlight: 02:34 AM Guest_Frostune: wait Guest_Frostune: go sleep Guest_Frostune: get some rest Guest_evachanlight: NA I DONT NEED SLEEP Guest_Frostune: ur healthy will be more badly if u not sleep Guest_Frostune: go sleep Guest_evachanlight: WHO CAN SLEEP WITH REALLY HOT LEG Guest_Frostune: just try to sleep Guest_evachanlight: THE DOCTOR SPILLED COFFEE ON MY LEG WHO CAN SLEEP WITH THAT Guest_Frostune: just go sleep, please? Guest_Frostune: i have to go now Guest_evachanlight: OK Guest_evachanlight: ITS MORE BTTER TO SLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR Guest_evachanlight: ] Guest_Frostune: ... Guest_evachanlight: AND THERES A HUGE LIZARD ON MY CHEST THATMAYBE I MIGHT KILLIED Guest_evachanlight: ILL JUST LEAVE MY IMVU OPEN Guest_Frostune: ok Guest_evachanlight: AND THIS IS THE LAST TIME I WILL DO WAT U SAY Guest_Frostune: well ok Guest_Frostune: g night Guest_Frostune: u still here? Guest_evachanlight: yes Guest_Frostune: cuz i have bedtime story :3 Guest_evachanlight: wat story Guest_Frostune: um.. Guest_Frostune: wait Guest_Frostune: but its on youtube Guest_Frostune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=A73M8_eUEMc#! Guest_evachanlight: I CANT FALL ASLEEP IF I WATCH IT Guest_Frostune: ? Guest_Frostune: so want i type it here? Guest_evachanlight: YES Guest_Frostune: theres was happy family Guest_Frostune: a parent with a kid and a daughter Guest_Frostune: a kid is 8 years old, the daughter is 6 years old Guest_evachanlight: OK Guest_Frostune: she always love her brother, even she think he dont like her Guest_Frostune: so once upon a time, they was going to picnic Guest_Frostune: they going with a car Guest_Frostune: at the same time Guest_Frostune: theres was a guy that want to suicide Guest_evachanlight: LET ME GUESS THE BOY DIED Guest_Frostune: so he crash his car to that family Guest_Frostune: their son? no Guest_Frostune: so then, the suicider was died, so do their parent Guest_Frostune: both their son was sended to hospital Guest_Frostune: the police saying that they'll send to orphan house Guest_evachanlight: tired Guest_Frostune: the kid doesnt like it, so he ask his sister to escape that night Guest_Frostune: after succesfully escaping, they rest awhile near dump Guest_Frostune: his sister ask "why we not going to orphan's?" and her brother answer "cuz i dont want to live with stranger, if u want go than leave me alone and go to police!" Guest_evachanlight: and now i wish to be sleeoing right now but i cant cause ur stoy is really old Guest_Frostune: ok Guest_Frostune: so want me continiue Guest_Frostune: ? Guest_evachanlight: change the story Guest_Frostune: change story? Guest_Frostune: um.. Guest_evachanlight: how ABOUT A LOVE STORY AND THE GIRL DIES Guest_Frostune: love story.. Guest_Frostune: i think this one good but theres many repeat Guest_Frostune: so this boy, to easier me to tell the story, he was named Luke Guest_evachanlight: IF UR GOING TO REPEAT IT IM GOING TO THE NERVE OF MY HAND Guest_Frostune: its first year of he in junior high school Guest_evachanlight: I HPLDING A KNIFE RIGHT NOW Guest_Frostune: and he seeing a girl, she was named Rika Guest_Frostune: its not really repeat Guest_evachanlight: IM GOING TO PUT THE KNIFE NEAR MY NECK Guest_Frostune: Luke was greeting her, she was sweet, comfortable, and a good chatter Guest_Frostune: u said u want love story Guest_Frostune: - - Guest_evachanlight: A LOVE STORY THAT A GIRL DIES Guest_Frostune: yup Guest_Frostune: and then they both being friend Guest_Frostune: its 2 year of his school Guest_evachanlight: OK OK BYE Guest_Frostune: - -; Guest_Frostune: u said love story Guest_Frostune: they both now a good friend Guest_Frostune: every time, luke always want to say he love her Guest_Frostune: but when he meet her, he cant express his feeling Guest_Frostune: he just cant Guest_Frostune: so he just keep it alone Guest_Frostune: now.. its prom Guest_Frostune: Luke still cant find any match so he see Rika Guest_evachanlight: UM HELLO ALLYSA IS NOW IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM CAUSE SHE USED A KNIFE TO HER NECK Guest_Frostune: rika said she not find any match too, so like they promise 2 years ago, if none of them have match, they will go to prom together Guest_evachanlight: IM HER BIG SIS Guest_Frostune: u said love story Guest_Frostune: if u her big sis Guest_Frostune: u not care about me Guest_evachanlight: YA I JUST TOLD U SHE USED A KNIFE IN HER NECK NOW SHES IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM Guest_Frostune: dont lie to me Guest_evachanlight: IM NOT TELLING U A LIE Guest_Frostune: lol Guest_Frostune: really? Guest_evachanlight: yes Guest_Frostune: o_o Guest_Frostune: is she going to be okay? Guest_evachanlight: were still wating 4 the results Guest_evachanlight: ok Guest_evachanlight: ew Guest_Frostune: ? Guest_evachanlight: shes dripping blood all over the bed Guest_Frostune: could u please dont continiue Guest_evachanlight: im going to close her account Guest_Frostune: ok Guest_evachanlight: and the doctor said she lost lot of blood Guest_Frostune: could u pls Guest_evachanlight: ew Guest_Frostune: just sign out Guest_evachanlight: what? Guest_evachanlight was leaving the chat room |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/OGyJSXr3h9M2ZpAU9B1i