1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | The Acolyte Beyond the awe-inspiring hush of the temple is a rush of productivity. Students in ill-fitting robes rush past, arms full of books, or sit in quiet rows as they study their scriptures. Under the Priest's wise guidance, the Acolyte is eager to begin their journey of learning. They fear that the'll never be good enough to step into their role ahead of them; even so, they are excited for the world that is opening up to them, and they're determined to embrace it with conviction. If it feels like you're not making progress lately, it may be time to think about learning something new and expanding your horizons. Take up a hobby, a new class, or fresh experience--you'll enjoy the rewards immediately. Learning is an infinite journey; embracing the fun of new experiences will provide the fresh perspective you need. [ Reversed ] Reversed, this card shows an Acolyte who has not progressed as fast as their peers. Though you've been working hard, you're not yet where you hoped to be. Just remember that this work hasn't been for nothing. Everything you've learned is still helping you to grow and reach your goals--it just hasn't come to fruition yet. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed. |
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