Q: I want to learn about my recent writer's block with the Citadel Oracle. What's blocking my creativity: The Priest; What habits should I cultivate: the Acolyte; What habit should I release: The Alchemist

Here is an interpretation of your recent writer's block through the lens of the Citadel Oracle:

- What's blocking my creativity: The Priest
- The Priest card in the upright position can symbolize a new beginning after a difficult challenge. The Priest finds hope in every situation. The card encourages you to have faith that you will be rewarded.
- However, you drew the Priest to represent what is blocking your creativity, so we'll look at the reversed meaning of the card. This suggests you may be feeling defeated and that this is causing a loss of motivation. Even simple tasks may feel insurmountable, and you may be having trouble believing in your ability to change your own fate.

- What habits should I cultivate: The Acolyte
- The Acolyte is eager to learn and embraces new experiences. You might consider taking up a new hobby or class or trying a fresh experience that will expand your horizons and help you learn something new. The sources suggest that you'll enjoy the rewards right away.

- What habit should I release: The Alchemist
- The Alchemist destroys in order to create. However, they tend to go to extremes. The reversed Alchemist represents an imbalance created by abandoning too much in pursuit of a fresh start. This card may be suggesting that you should release the habit of making drastic changes when a moderate approach might be more beneficial. Instead of burning bridges, you may find it helpful to seek a middle ground.

The Alchemist and the Acolyte cards are both part of the Academy suit, which is associated with personal growth, aspirations, and development. This may suggest that your writer's block is connected to your desire to learn and grow. Perhaps you are feeling stuck in your current writing style or process and you need to try a new approach.