Based on your first roll, we have determined that Diana will, unfortunately, fail in her attempt to break into either a vet clinic or a hospital. This means that regardless of which place she chooses, the break-in will not result in obtaining any drugs; worse, she'll be detected by a Robbie guard. One that unfortunately is armed with the same device that the Santa Rosita police are, which results in Diana Tranquilized as a result of the struggle.

Based on the second roll, we've determined that she will be hit with a Level Six Tranquilization. The guards and police in the town must be on very high alert because of all that's happened lately! To quote from our tranqilization page:
Stage 6. Extreme. The character becomes a Robbie. Loses all memories of their homeworld and original life, as well as the ability to express the full spectrum of human emotion, behaving more like a robot attempting to mimic emotion — specifically and only happiness and occasional, mild disapproval. Loses the ability to feel pain. Believes they really are from 1961 and completely loses themselves in their fake identity. Can last anywhere from a week to a full month.
Knowing that Diana has her superstrength back, we will be generous and say the effects will only last for one week.

All the rest of the break in we will leave in your hands. That means deciding if you would like to have it be a thread where another character or characters participate, if it will be the vet clinic or the hospital, and the exact nature of the conflict with the guard that she runs into.