1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | The Sailor Seagulls wheel and call as a ship cuts through the water, skimming over gleaming waves and pods of spinning dolphins. The Sailor breathes a deep lungful of sea air, and smiles. The sea is vast and beautiful, but their thoughts are of a cottage back in the Citadel--of a cozy fire and a warm embrace--and they realize that there are some things worth dropping anchor for. The Sailor represents two possibilities: the familiar shores of home and the yearning for distant lands. You may be craving a change of pace, however big or small, and the current moment might be the perfect one to start afresh. But whatever you do to satisfy your cravings, don't forget the importance of your origins. [ Reversed ] A storm has grounded your ship, leaving you feeling trapped and restless. A difficult time may lie ahead, so even though you're eager for a change of scenery or a new venture, now might not be the best time to pursue it. Don't make a break for freedom at the first opportunity--acting made impulsively now won't work out in your favor. |
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