1/5 Well done today, to the United States of America and President Biden.. for signing into Law.. the "Respect For Marriage Act", so there repealing the repressive "Defense Of Marriage Act" (prohibiting non male and female couples from marrying).. this legislation.. protects the

2/5 rights of all to marriage, equally.. marriage is represent of the celebration and the commitment to the union of love between two souls.. irrespective of their material, physical embodiment.. there is many a man and a women.. absent of any bond of love.. that is a fact.. but

3/5 there is many another with whom it is not.. that is the point.. marriage is not the symbolic of the coming together of one body in one form.. and one body in another.. as traditionally held by many.. it is the coming together of two souls, consecrating their bond & intent of

4/5 love.. this Law goes some way to protect people's rights to marry the people they love.. you must always be able to marry the person you love in life.. there are few sacred rights to freedoms of such in the rights to life above in that.. Uncle Benjy's proud of you.. a thank

5/5 you for using your brains (and hearts) to those religious institutions whom supported the bill also.. you won't get anywhere worth going if you don't quash the most basic of injustices and inequalities against each other as this has done.. well done @ USA.. Cosmos (as Christ)