Focus can mean giving direct attention to something but it also has another definition that you might not have taken into account. In telekinesis focus refers to your loudness of thought "being in focus" can also be defined as having no thought loudness. (thought loudness does not refer to your ability to think. When your mind is empty of all thought loudness, you are still able to think you just can't hear your thoughts). Focus isn't about consentrating on a particular task, on the contrary the oppisite of concentration applies to focus. When your thoughts are so relaxed, no mental consentration is utilized you are then in focus. When you are in focus your mind is open to process the information, instead of processing the allready obtained information in concentration. Focus is to look at an object and without any thought in the mind. Thought in this case, refers only to the loudness inside of your mind. You are focused, when you are mentally calm and relaxed of thought. Only when you empty all reoccupid thoughts, are you then in focus. You can achieve this by doing a focus excersize. When I meditate and do focus excersizes it helps me have lucid dreams. I also find that if I get in a focused state of mind before I do something like write a blog post, consentrate on a particular task or even talk to someone. I can do whatever it is much more effectivly. which I find is really effective in internet marketing. Because when you talk to people you dont know you will be better at reading peoples emotions. When you can read someones emotions you can then match them and learn and see more about that person and if you get to know that person really well you can learn things you may not have ever thought before without matching them. It also causes you to be a happier person when working or really anything because you will be more relaxed then you useually are. I hope you liked this post if you did click like :D.