1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | The Patron Amongst the chatter and music of the salon, one voice rises above the others, confident and companionable. The Patron has achieved a certain level of success and prosperity, and makes it their business to know everyone around them—Particularly those with talent who might just need a little extra support to fulfill their potential. The Patron indicates that a period of mentorship is beginning for you. Either someone is due to enter your life, offering support and advice, or someone is looking to you for guidance. Whether it is you or someone else who is taking on the role of the Patron, focus your energy on this new union, as it will bring a period of stability and empowerment to the both of you. [ Reversed ] While you’re busy looking for that mentor or figure in your life, others might be using that as an opportunity to take what they want from you. Not everyone has your development in mind. No matter how smooth a talker they may be, chances are, you have more to offer them right now than they have to offer you. Know your own value and don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. |
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