***to say**: If there is a day when I will regret being picked as a right hand man even though I did not wanted it but here I am still, it would be when I have not done something within my power to make life easier for the person I am serving under. I may be strict and rude but if we are talking about time restraints and compliance, someone will surely hear from me. We would love to get things done soon as they are not going the way it should be and people are not going to be the same after some time. It's time to start picking out the weeds which are not needed for the flower to grow.

Sorry to say but it's the exact truth. No one will be disappointed in the decisions made if they know how to suck it up and accept what they were lacking. They won't be there in the first place if they diligently contribute once in a while (not everyday or every other month but once in a while). And of course, let's not talk about the troll members. I feel great in getting rid of them as they don't really do much but....troll. [emo29]

Okay, I said my piece. I need a Grande Soy Toffee Frap Medium whipped with Vanilla top on cream plus an extra dose of sleep. [emo33] I hope no one listened to me because this is a total ramble of things in my mind waiting to burst out... gosh... Let this be my dumping place.... *breath in....breath out*