Not once in three years does anyone ever happen upon him up there. Terezi used to try, way back when at the beginning, but he was always a little too quick for her and eventually she gave it up. Karkat's the only one that tries now, and once he even makes it up to the flight of stairs just beneath the roof entrance. But by the time he gets out there, calling Dave's name, the Knight's gone, time-tripping his way out of sight and mind and possibility of capture. Any incriminating evidence disappears with him into the safe obscurity of the bottom of his sylladex. He never did like the thought of being found. Made him feel vulnerable.

Not once in three years does anyone ever happen upon you up there. Terezi used to try, way back when at the beginning, but you were always a little too quick for her and eventually she gave it up. Karkat's the only one that tries now, and once he even makes it up to the flight of stairs just beneath the roof entrance. But by the time he gets out there, calling your name, you're gone, time-tripping your way out of sight and mind and possibility of capture. Any incriminating evidence disappears with you into the safe obscurity of the bottom of your sylladex. You never did like the thought of being found. Made you feel vulnerable.