I am doing this with a very, very heavy heart. Some of you, depending on how fast the word has spread know that I have been accused of copybotting poses... This however is not true, sadly I fell for a scam through someone that I had considered a friend for a good 5 years here, who had offered me "help" in creating poses turns out she ripped a few poses from a store and handed the files to me which I had placed one or two in with my own creations. I however have been here 7 years and have never once in my time being here done anything I should not have.

So I would rather be upfront and honest with you, I have since removed all my poses and spoken to the actual creator and offered my sincerest apologies. I am not a thief and never will be, However I completely understand if you want to remove me from your groups and friends lists.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for those who trust in me and know I am not that kind of person.
And if you are a customer of Captivity Co. please, please do not steer away from there, this has nothing to do with Shannon and her amazing creations. We have both remained great friends over this as she knows the person I am. Once again I am sorry guys.