1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 23 If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out? probably stuff about his friends, like weird things they're doing in dreams... ama-chan, stop standing on the ceiling, i wanna come too... natsumeeee, no faaaair, let me have some tooooo.... type whining 26 What are their Christmases usually like? what about Halloween? looks off until recently it was a party of three, just him his mom and his dog, celebrating quiet christmases and halloweens with small parties and the like... nothing big, no one really around to invite over, but with his dad's photo watching over them every step of the way 32 What type of friend is your muse? clingy af but loyal to the end, very ride or die and forgiving to a worrying point... he won't take bullshit and will really call people out on things if he knows that's not right or how they usually are, he sticks his nose into their business if he's worried and is generally more of a hen than he'd let on, but if things end on a pleasant note then all is well!!!! subaru is very caring and devoted to the people he says are friends, much to some others' chagrin. he's also very touchy!!!! |
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