Dispute, rage and fight are inevitable in the book of friendship. Yet one must know that the most important thing is the virtue of forgiveness that could possibly be attained if you, yourself emerged thyself in the river of Lethe (river of forgetfulness). Forgiving is a chance of mending what has been broken. You gamble in the slenderest of hope all the pain that stabbed you. And you choose to let go of anger racing in every region of your face for the thought that friendship is far more important. Seriously, who needs a river when we realize how essential these are? In our minds, we feel the urge to avenge who had hurt us yet we subconsciously neglect the voice in our bosom, screaming to the zenith the right thing to do. We should not lose sight of that voice. Anyway, to forgive does not always entail acceptance but, a capability to produce a sound decision of your choice. If you choose to forgive the friend who hurt you and give her a second chance to prove her worthiness in your life, then, that is divine. However, if not, then, do not resort to vengeance even if it will be the last option left. Learn that you already learned what are the consequences of doing the bad thing like what your friend did. Do not repeat the same mistake. #bedifferent #frienship http://images.plurk.com/puFf-5AG6AQ3XHhSIE5frQh3N7L.jpg