Gentle Hufflepuff may seem like an odd match with cunning Slytherin, but that’s not to say these two couldn’t work out. In fact, a Slytherin could give their Hufflepuff partner the confidence and encouragement they need to pursue their dreams. If Newt Scamander had had a Slytherin by his side, cheering him on, who knows how many other places he would have travelled in his pursuit of magical beasts?

With a Hufflepuff partner, Slytherins could experience a lack of competition and get frustrated by Hufflepuff’s laid-back approach to life, but this doesn’t have to be a barrier to true love - only a temporary obstacle. If there’s anything a Slytherin loves, it’s a loyal follower, and a Hufflepuff embodies this to a tee. Want a partner you can rely on, especially if things turn dark? Only a Hufflepuff will endeavour to see the good through the bad, no matter what.