1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | This is a translation, original is by twitter @brat18c ORIGINAL: https://paste.plurk.com/show/WlEFcKS4YJw7gw6ZPmta/ GO LIKE THE TWEET: https://twitter.com/brat18c/status/1505965896660971525 Killer Organization AU Sonny×Alban - The figure in the beige coat is already far away from the police station. After finishing his water, Sonny crumples the paper cup and lobs it at the trash can angrily. A colleague sees and tries to calm him down. The entire police station knows that mafia boss Luca is the one Sonny wants to arrest the most. How could he calm down? The work he was so used to had suddenly become so difficult. His superior finally gets fed up and tells Sonny to go home and take a break. He also approves the vacation Sonny applied for, and asks him to adjust his situation before coming back to work. It’s late, and only streetlights illuminate the streets. Besides the occasional passing cars, the area was quiet. Sonny recalled the suspect Luca’s demeanor during the interrogation. He obviously knew it was necessary for the mission, that it wasn't the usual, actual questioning, yet was still overwhelmed, even forgetting for a moment that he was Noctyx’s Sonny. Thankfully, when they were close enough, Luca whispered a reminder, and he was able to gather his wits and act the role required by the mission. Though the uncontrollable emotions were quickly suppressed, the fear remains. Sonny unconsciously arrives at his house, unlocks the door, and drags his tired feet upstairs. This house was assigned to Noctyx by the organization. Sonny glances at the door to Uki and Fulgur's room, on the same floor as his, guessing that they should be asleep by now. He turns towards his own room and noticed a note stuck on the door. Judging from the smooth handwriting, it was left by Fulgur. Sonny skims it quickly and pushes the door open to see the situation described on the note ── Alban waiting for him, though he’s already sound asleep. Sonny quietly grabs a change of clothes and goes to the bathroom to wash off his exhaustion. Once finished, he slips beneath the covers, accidentally waking Alban. Alban opens his eyes just a crack to confirm Sonny's return, and gives a sleepy 'welcome home' before falling back asleep. Sonny carefully wrapped his arms around Alban, hoping that a night with him would let him forget the oppression and fear left by the mafia boss, and that he'd wake up refreshed from a good dream. Good night. Translated by ☔ (twitter @/umbrellaphantom) |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/bBj0aTDvFHLOplh5ttC3