When or if I started shipping it: I only shipped Dia/Platina at first, Pearl came in around the time his friendship with Plat had developed beyond "she's annoying" and he had that first big fight with Dia in Celestic Town.

My thoughts: It's adorable and the biggest ship I have for PokeSpe right now! Literally no one else is as cute as these three, FIGHT ME.

What makes me happy about them: They just... work. I'm not usually a big ot3 fan because I can't wrap my brain around people getting over all of the problems that can arise from such a relationship, so what makes me happy is that they feel like a really strong exception.

What makes me sad about them: The Sinnoh arc just seems so unpopular! I guess people were really disillusioned after Emerald arc and FR/LG, not that I can blame them. I'm not even sad for these three as a ship so much as I am sad that people are missing out on such great characters because they don't like the new artist or whatever. Wow this answer is kinda PA.

Things done in fanfic that annoys me: If you've found fanfic of them...... I'd like to know because where even is it?? It annoys me that there is none!

Things I look for in fanfic: In this case the actual existence thereof.

Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Tough call, they haven't really met anyone else yet. I guess if ot3 couldn't work and one of them had to be alone, the most likely candidate there is Pearl. :|a

My happily ever after for them: Some kind of job where they can all work together, though it's tough to imagine integrating Professor Platinum into a manzai routine.

What is their favorite non-sexual activity: They always seem to be happiest when they're helping each other train for something, or working toward a common goal. Relaxing is fine now and then but let's do something productive!!