1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 | "I'm Afraid" - (Dawn's Song Of Fears) I'm afraid of heights, afraid of tryin' 我怕高,也怕嘗試 And I'm afraid I might have been A little stupid to write this song 我怕我可能有點北七寫了這首歌 I'm afraid that during high winds The stop sign will uproot and decapitate me 我怕在強風中停止標誌會連根拔起並把我的頭砍下 Or that I might thrive under Scientology 或者我在山達基教下成長茁壯 I'm afraid that after I die Someone will have sex with my dead body 我怕在我死後有人屍姦我 And be like, "Not worth it" 姦完還說「不值得」 I'm afraid I could raise a son Who'd get radicalized on Reddit 我怕我辛苦養育的兒子變成 Reddit 酸民 (*原文是激進份子) Or that he'll Back to the Future and I'll think he's hot 或者他"回到未來"而我覺得他很辣 I'm afraid that I'll accidentally Text a pic of my vagina to my dad 我怕我不小心手滑把私密照傳給我爸 And I'm afraid that on Ancestry.com I might find out I have a bunch of half siblings 我也害怕在血統.com上面發現一堆兄弟姊妹 And they'll want to be in my life 而且他們會想要進入我的生活中 I'm afraid that if I got an awful disease 我怕如果我罹患可怕的疾病 I wouldn't be brave I'd just be a bitch and be mean 我勇敢不起來,反而變成機掰人 Or if I needed emergency heart surgery 或者如果我需要緊急心臟手術 The doctor would go, "Hello nipple hair" 醫生會對著我的乳頭毛打招呼 Sometimes I'm afraid to hold a new baby 有時候我害怕抱著新生兒 What if I lose control of my arms for a second? 如果我突然無法控制手臂該怎麼辦? And throw it at the ceiling fan or something like that 把寶寶扔到吊扇或類似的東西上 Can't I trust my arms? 還能相信我的手臂嗎? And I'm afraid, that under every bus stop is a sinkhole of rats 而且我很怕,每個候車亭下都是可怕老鼠巢穴 And I'm afraid, they lie about expiration dates and my hummus is fungus 而且我很怕,我的豆泥發霉因為保存期限造假 And afraid that the second I leave town, I'll get a UTI 我怕離城時卻泌尿道感染 Why can't they just sell those pills over the counter? 為什麼這些不能是非處方藥可以隨意買到? I don't need a doctor I know exactly what it is 我不需要醫生,我很清楚那是什麼 Oh, back to my kid I have more stuff about him 喔,回到我家小孩,關於他我還有很多想講 I only breastfed for four months 我只有母乳餵養過4個月 Is he gonna be a bond trader? 他會成為一名債券交易員嗎? And I'm afraid that if I'm lucky enough to be 80 我怕如果我有幸活到80歲 I'll be one of those ladies 會成為那種老太太 Who's entire scalp is visible When the sun shines through her salmon colored hair 當陽光穿過她鮭魚橙色的頭髮,整個頭皮清晰可見 And I'm afraid that someone will find out That I memorized all the words to Macklemore's "Thrift Shop" 我怕有人發現我把麥可莫的"Thrift Shop"記得滾瓜爛熟 Or that I bought seven seasons of The Mentalist 或者我買了全七季的《超感警探》 And of course, I'm afraid 當然我也很怕 That somewhere, deep inside of me 在我深處 Is a lost tampon 有個遺失棉條 Where did you go? 你去哪了? Where did you go? 你在何處? I am afraid 我好怕 |
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